
Setting Up Your Amazon Fling Development Environment for Android

Setting Up Your Amazon Fling Development Environment for Android

To enable this functionality in your app, you have to integrate our SDK in your development environment.This document describes how to set up your Android Studio projects to include the SDK.Before you start, install the following software packages on your development computer:

Setting up Android Studio

To use our SDK with your Android Studio project, add the JAR file included in the SDK package as a file dependency.Use these steps to set up your Android Studio environment.If you are developing an app for an Android platform that does not run Fire OS, there are additional libraries to add as well.

Adding the Amazon Fling Libraries

  1. In Android Studio, create a new project or open an existing one.
  2. Copy the AmazonFling.jar file from the Amazon Fling library package into the libs folder for your project.

  3. Right-click on your project's root folder and select Open Module Settings to open the project folder.
  4. From the Module tab in Project Structure, select the Dependencies tab.
  5. Click the + button and select the File dependency option.Then, select AmazonFling.jar in the project libs folder.

  6. Under the Dependencies tab check the library scope and make sure it is set as Compile.

  7. Click OK.

Adding Additional Libraries (Generic Android Only)

If you are developing an app that runs on generic Android devices (not Fire OS devices), use these steps to add additional libraries to your project:

  1. Copy the WhisperPlay.jar file in the /lib/Android/ folder in the Amazon Fling SDK package to the libs folder in your project.

  2. Right-click on your project's root folder and choose Open Module Settings to open the project folder.
  3. From the Module tab in Project Structure, select the Dependencies tab.
  4. Click the + button and select the File dependency option.Then, select the Whisperplay.jar file in the project libs folder.
  5. Under the Dependencies tab check the library scope and make sure it is set as Compile.

  6. Click OK.

Next Steps

To integrate Amazon Fling into your app, see Integrating Amazon Fling into your Android App.

If your Android app supports the Google Cast API and you want to use Fling as well, see Integrating Amazon Fling with an Existing Android Cast App.

If your app uses Android MediaRouter, see Using Amazon Fling with Android MediaRouter.