Skill Manifest Examples

The skill manifest is the JSON representation of your skill, and provides Alexa with all of the metadata required for your skill. The interaction model and account linking schemas, if used, are separate. For details, see Skill Manifest Schema.

The following are some example skill manifests. For each skill type, ensure that you consider the privacy and compliance requirements.

Connected vehicle skill manifest

The following is an example of a skill manifest for a connected vehicle skill. For details, see Connected Vehicle Skills for Alexa.

Copied to clipboard.

  "vendorId": "<vendor id>",
  "manifest": {
    "publishingInformation": {
      "locales": {
        "en-US": {
          "summary": "This is a sample Alexa Remote Car Control skill for Provider.",
          "examplePhrases": [
            "Alexa, turn on my car",
            "Alexa, set the temperature to thirty in my car"
          "keywords": [
            "Remote Car Control",
            "RCSK skill",
            "Remote Car Control skill"
          "name": "Car Control Skills Kit",
          "description": "This skill has basic and advanced features to control vehicles."
      "isAvailableWorldwide": false,
      "testingInstructions": "1) Say 'Alexa, turn on my car' 2) Say 'Alexa, turn on the heater in my car'",
      "category": "CONNECTED_CAR",
      "distributionCountries": ["US"]
    "apis": {
      "smartHome": {
        "endpoint": {
          "uri": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:452493640596:function:sampleSkill"
        "regions": {
          "NA": {
            "endpoint": {
              "uri": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:452493640596:function:sampleSkill"
        "supportedControls": {
          "type": "REMOTE_VEHICLE_CONTROL"
    "manifestVersion": "1.0",
    "permissions": [
        "name": "alexa::devices:all:address:full:read"
    "privacyAndCompliance": {
      "allowsPurchases": false,
      "containsAds": false,
      "isChildDirected": false,
      "isExportCompliant": false,
      "usesPersonalInfo": false,
      "locales": {
        "en-US": {
          "termsOfUseUrl": "",
          "privacyPolicyUrl": ""

Custom skill manifest

Copied to clipboard.

  "manifest": {
    "publishingInformation": {
      "locales": {
        "en-US": {
          "summary": "This is a sample Alexa custom skill.",
          "examplePhrases": [
            "Alexa, open sample custom skill.",
            "Alexa, play sample custom skill."
          "keywords": [
          "smallIconUri": "",
          "largeIconUri": "",
          "name": "Sample custom skill name.",
          "description": "This skill does interesting things."
      "isAvailableWorldwide": false,
      "testingInstructions": "1) Say 'Alexa, hello world'",
      "category": "HEALTH_AND_FITNESS",
      "distributionCountries": ["US", "GB", "DE"]
    "apis": {
      "custom": {
        "endpoint": {
          "uri": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:040623927470:function:sampleSkill"
        "interfaces": [
            "type": "ALEXA_PRESENTATION_APL"
            "type": "AUDIO_PLAYER"
            "type": "CAN_FULFILL_INTENT_REQUEST"
            "type": "GADGET_CONTROLLER"
            "type": "GAME_ENGINE"
            "type": "RENDER_TEMPLATE"
            "type": "VIDEO_APP"
        "regions": {
          "NA": {
            "endpoint": {
              "sslCertificateType": "Trusted",
              "uri": ""
    "manifestVersion": "1.0",
    "permissions": [
        "name": "alexa::devices:all:address:full:read"
        "name": "alexa:devices:all:address:country_and_postal_code:read"
        "name": "alexa::alerts:reminders:skill:readwrite"
    "privacyAndCompliance": {
      "allowsPurchases": false,
      "usesPersonalInfo": false,
      "isChildDirected": false,
      "isExportCompliant": true,
      "containsAds": false,
      "locales": {
        "en-US": {
          "privacyPolicyUrl": "",
          "termsOfUseUrl": ""
        "shoppingKit": {
          "isShoppingActionsEnabled": true,
          "isAmazonAssociatesOnAlexaEnabled": false
    "events": {
      "endpoint": {
        "uri": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:040623927470:function:sampleSkill"
      "subscriptions": [
          "eventName": "SKILL_ENABLED"
          "eventName": "SKILL_DISABLED"
          "eventName": "SKILL_PERMISSION_ACCEPTED"
          "eventName": "SKILL_PERMISSION_CHANGED"
          "eventName": "SKILL_ACCOUNT_LINKED"
          "eventName": "SKILL_ACCOUNT_UNLINKED"
      "regions": {
        "NA": {
          "endpoint": {
            "uri": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:040623927470:function:sampleSkill"

Flash briefing skill manifest

Copied to clipboard.

  "manifest": {
    "manifestVersion": "1.0",
    "publishingInformation": {
      "locales": {
        "en-US": {
          "name": "Sample skill name.",
          "summary": "This is a sample Alexa skill.",
          "description": "This skill has basic and advanced features.",
          "smallIconUri": "",
          "largeIconUri": "",
          "examplePhrases": [],
          "keywords": ["Flash Briefing", "News", "Happenings"]
      "distributionCountries": ["US", "GB", "DE"],
      "isAvailableWorldwide": false,
      "testingInstructions": "1) Say 'Alexa, hello world'",
      "category": "HEALTH_AND_FITNESS"
    "privacyAndCompliance": {
      "allowsPurchases": false,
      "usesPersonalInfo": false,
      "isChildDirected": false,
      "isExportCompliant": true,
      "containsAds": false,
      "locales": {
        "en-US": {
          "privacyPolicyUrl": "",
          "termsOfUseUrl": ""
    "apis": {
      "flashBriefing": {
        "locales": {
          "en-US": {
            "customErrorMessage": "Error message",
            "feeds": [
                "name": "feed name",
                "isDefault": true,
                "vuiPreamble": "In this skill",
                "updateFrequency": "HOURLY",
                "genre": "POLITICS",
                "imageUri": "",
                "contentType": "TEXT",
                "url": ""

Music skill manifest

The following is an example of a music skill manifest. For details, see Music, Radio, and Podcast Skills.

Copied to clipboard.

  "manifest": {
    "endpoint": {
      "uri": "<Your AWS Lambda ARN [Amazon resource name]>"
    "locales": {
      "en-US": {
        "features": [
            "name": "EXPLICIT_LANGUAGE_FILTER"
        "aliases": [
            "name": "<The name used to invoke your skill>"
        "promptName": "<The name by which Alexa refers to your skill>",
        "wordmarkLogos": [
            "uri": "<URI of the wordmark logo SVG file for your skill>"
    "interfaces": [
        "namespace": "Alexa.Audio.PlayQueue",
        "requests": [
            "name": "GetNextItem"
            "name": "GetPreviousItem"
        "version": "1.0"
        "namespace": "Alexa.Media.Playback",
        "requests": [
            "name": "Initiate"
        "version": "1.0"
        "namespace": "Alexa.Media.PlayQueue",
        "requests": [
            "name": "GetItem"
            "name": "SetShuffle"
            "name": "SetLoop"
        "version": "1.0"
        "namespace": "Alexa.Media.Search",
        "requests": [
            "name": "GetPlayableContent"
        "version": "1.0"

Smart home skill manifest

Copied to clipboard.

  "manifest": {
    "manifestVersion": "1.0",
    "publishingInformation": {
      "locales": {
        "en-US": {
          "name": "Sample skill name.",
          "summary": "This is a sample Alexa skill.",
          "description": "This skill has basic and advanced smart devices control features.",
          "smallIconUri": "",
          "largeIconUri": "",
          "examplePhrases": [
            "Alexa, open sample skill.",
            "Alexa, blink kitchen lights."
          "keywords": ["Smart Home", "Lights", "Smart Devices"]
      "distributionCountries": ["US", "GB", "DE"],
      "isAvailableWorldwide": false,
      "testingInstructions": "1) Say 'Alexa, turn on sample lights'",
      "category": "SMART_HOME"
    "privacyAndCompliance": {
      "allowsPurchases": false,
      "usesPersonalInfo": false,
      "isChildDirected": false,
      "isExportCompliant": true,
      "containsAds": false,
      "locales": {
        "en-US": {
          "privacyPolicyUrl": "",
          "termsOfUseUrl": ""
    "apis": {
      "smartHome": {
        "endpoint": {
          "uri": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:040623927470:function:sampleSkill"
        "regions": {
          "NA": {
            "endpoint": {
              "uri": "arn:aws:lambda:us-west-2:010623927470:function:sampleSkillWest"

Video skill manifest

Copied to clipboard.

  "manifest": {
    "publishingInformation": {
      "locales": {
        "en-US": {
          "summary": "This is a sample Alexa skill.",
          "examplePhrases": [
            "Alexa, tune to channel 206",
            "Alexa, search for comedy movies",
            "Alexa, pause."
          "keywords": ["Video", "TV"],
          "name": "VideoSampleSkill",
          "smallIconUri": "",
          "largeIconUri": "",
          "description": "This skill has video control features."
      "isAvailableWorldwide": false,
      "testingInstructions": "",
      "category": "SMART_HOME",
      "distributionCountries": ["US", "GB", "DE"]
    "apis": {
      "video": {
        "countries": {
          "US": {
            "catalogInformation": [
                "type": "INGESTED_CONTENT_IDENTIFIER",
                "sourceId": "catalogName"
                "type": "LIVE_TV_MSO",
                "sourceId": "MSOId"
        "locales": {
          "en-US": {
            "videoProviderTargetingNames": ["VideoSampleSkill", "TV provider"],
            "features": [
                "version": "1.0",
                "players": [
                    "logoImageUri": "",
                    "type": "AVS_3P_PROVIDED",
                    "uri": "",
                    "backgroundImageUri": ""
                "name": "VIDEO_WEB_PLAYER"
        "endpoint": {
          "uri": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:452493640596:function:sampleSkill"
        "regions": {
          "NA": {
            "endpoint": {
              "uri": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:452493640596:function:sampleSkill"
        "protocolVersion": "3.0"
    "manifestVersion": "1.0",
    "privacyAndCompliance": {
      "allowsPurchases": false,
      "locales": {
        "en-US": {
          "termsOfUseUrl": "",
          "privacyPolicyUrl": ""
      "isExportCompliant": true,
      "isChildDirected": false,
      "usesPersonalInfo": false,
      "containsAds": false

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Last updated: Jul 15, 2024