Paid Skill Schemas

The paidSkillInformation object is a JSON representation of the paid skill information shown on the TOOLS > MONETIZE YOUR SKILL section of the developer console. This object contains the purchase details for a paid skill. The skill manifest for paid skills has the same general format as for other custom skills. For the overall format of the skill manifest for all Alexa skills, see Skill Manifest Schema.

To specify paid skills, include the paidSkillInformation object within publishingInformation field and the customProductPrompts object within the locales field.

Copied to clipboard.

  "manifestVersion": "1.0",
  "publishingInformation": {
    "paidSkillInformation": {
        "pricing": {
            "": [
                    "offerType": "SUBSCRIPTION",
                    "freeTrialInformation": {
                        "freeTrialDuration": "P1D"
                    "subscriptionInformation": {
                        "subscriptionPaymentFrequency": "MONTHLY"
                    "price": 4.99,
                    "currency": "USD"
            "": [
                    "offerType": "SUBSCRIPTION",
                    "freeTrialInformation": {
                        "freeTrialDuration": "P1D"
                    "subscriptionInformation": {
                        "subscriptionPaymentFrequency": "MONTHLY"
                    "price": 4.99,
                    "currency": "GBP"
        "taxInformation": {
            "category": "SOFTWARE"
    "locales": {
      "en-US": {
        "customProductPrompts": {
          "purchasePromptDescription": "Quick Trivia has come to Alexa! Challenge yourself to new trivia categories every month.",
          "purchaseConfirmationDescription": "Enjoy your Quick Trivia voice experience!"

PublishingInformation definition

Include the publishingInformation object and set the following fields for paid skills.

At this time paid skills are available in the following locales: en-CA, en-GB, en-US, de-DE, es-US, es-ES, fr-CA, fr-FR, it-IT, and ja-JP

Field Description


A map of locales that provide specific information for each supported locale. Within the locales object, include the customProductPrompts object to define purchase prompts. For more details about supported languages, see Where can I offer paid skills.


Defines a skill as a paid skill. The paidSkillInformation object contains pricing and tax information.

customProductPrompts definition

The customProductPrompts object contains the prompts for each supported locale. Include this object in the locales object.

Field Description Type


The description that a customer hears when they purchase a paid skill or cancel a subscription to a paid skill.
Follows these guidelines for the purchase description:

  • Include the skill name. Use "{PREMIUM_CONTENT_TITLE}" as a token for the display name. Don't use "{" or "}" anywhere else in the prompt.
  • Include what's unique about this skill.
  • Be as brief as possible.
  • Don't include any pricing information, as Amazon automatically appends the price in the purchase flow.
  • Avoid repeating the same phrases customers might have heard in the purchase suggestion.
  • Clearly explain what the skill provides.



The description that displays on the post-purchase confirmation card in the Alexa app. Include the placeholder "{PREMIUM_CONTENT_TITLE}" for the skill name.


The paidSkillInformation object contains pricing and tax information.

Field Description Type


Specifies the purchase details

Pricing object


The tax category

TaxInformation object

Pricing object

The Pricing object contains an array of supported marketplaces.

Field Description Type


The marketplaces in which the skill is available for purchase. The field name is the marketplace name, such as "". For valid values, see Paid skill marketplaces.

array of Price objects

Price object

Field Description Type


Specifies the payment model, such as subscription or one-time payment (entitlement).



(Optional) Include to allow access to paid content for free. Exclude for entitlement offer types.

FreeTrialDuration field


(Optional) Defines the payment cycle for subscription offer types. Exclude for entitlement offer types.

subscriptionPaymentFrequency field


The list price of the paid skill.
For minimum and maximum price ranges, see Price ranges for paid skills.

A number (long)


The currency of the list price. Specify as a 3-digit ISO 4217 currency code.


freeTrialDuration field

Field Description Type


The duration of the free trial in days.
Specify duration in ISO 8601 format. For example: "P7D". Valid duration: 1&endash;31 days, inclusive.


subscriptionPaymentFrequency field

Field Description Type


Identifies the frequency of recurring payments.
Valid values: MONTHLY, YEARLY


TaxInformation object

Field Description Type


Identifies the paid skill tax category.


Sample paid skill

Copied to clipboard.

    "manifestVersion": "1.0",
    "publishingInformation": {
        "paidSkillInformation": {
            "pricing": {
                "": [
                        "offerType": "SUBSCRIPTION",
                        "freeTrialInformation": {
                            "freeTrialDuration": "P1D"
                        "subscriptionInformation": {
                            "subscriptionPaymentFrequency": "MONTHLY"
                        "price": 4.99,
                        "currency": "USD"
                "": [
                        "offerType": "ENTITLEMENT",
                        "freeTrialInformation": {
                            "freeTrialDuration": "P7D"
                        "price": 49.99,
                        "currency": "GBP"
            "taxInformation": {
                "category": "SOFTWARE"
        "locales": {
            "en-US": {
                "name": "Quick Trivia",
                "summary": "Quick Trivia offers 10 trivia categories with new categories every month.",
                "description": "This funfilled game offers 10 trivia categories with new categories every month. You can choose between easy, medium, and hard questions.",
                "smallIconUri" : "",
                "largeIconUri" : "",
                "customProductPrompts": {
                    "purchasePromptDescription": "Quick Trivia has come to Alexa! Challenge yourself with new trivia categories every month.",
                    "boughtCardDescription": "Enjoy your Quick Trivia challenge!"
                "examplePhrases": ["Alexa, open Quick Trivia", "Hey Quick Trivia, give me an easy question"],
                "keywords": ["trivia", "alexa", "questions", "challenge"]
            "en-GB": {
                "name": "Quick Trivia",
                "summary": "Quick Trivia offers 10 trivia categories with new categories every month.",
                "description": "This funfilled game offers 10 trivia categories with new categories every month. You can choose between easy, medium, and hard questions.",
                "smallIconUri" : "",
                "largeIconUri" : "",
                "customProductPrompts": {
                    "purchasePromptDescription": "Quick Trivia has come to Alexa! Challenge yourself with new trivia categories every month.",
                    "boughtCardDescription": "Enjoy your Quick Trivia challenge!"
                "examplePhrases": ["Alexa, open Quick Trivia", "Hey Quick Trivia, give me an easy question"],
                "keywords": ["trivia", "alexa", "questions", "challenge"]
        "distributionCountries": ["US", "GB"],
        "isAvailableWorldwide": false,
        "testingInstructions": "1) Say 'Alexa, buy Quick Trivia'",
        "category": "CUSTOM"
    "privacyAndCompliance": {
        "allowsPurchases": true,
        "usesPersonalInfo": false,
        "isChildDirected": false,
        "isExportCompliant": true,
        "locales": {
            "en-US": {
                "privacyPolicyUrl": "",
                "termsOfUseUrl": ""
            "en-GB": {
                "privacyPolicyUrl": "",
                "termsOfUseUrl": ""

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Last updated: Feb 04, 2025