Skill Enablement REST API Reference

Use the Skill Enablement REST API to enable and disable an Alexa skill for a developer or an Amazon customer. If your skill uses account linking, the API links the customer's Amazon account with the customer's account in another system.

API endpoint

The endpoint of the Skill Enablement API depends on whether you invoke the API on behalf of a developer that owns the skill or on behalf of an Amazon customer:

  • For a developer skill owner, the endpoint is
  • For an Amazon customer, the endpoint is based on where the customer's Amazon account is registered. To find the endpoint for a customer, use Get API endpoint. Valid endpoints are:
    • North America:
    • Europe:
    • Far East:


Each API request must have an authorization header whose value is the access token retrieved from Login with Amazon (LWA):

Get an access token for the customer

To get an Amazon access token for the customer, you use the OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant flow.

To get the access token for the customer to use in the Skill Enablement operations

  1. If you use App-to-App Account Linking, get the user's Amazon authorization code by making an HTTP GET request to the Alexa app URL.
    The Amazon authorization code enables you to get the access token.
  2. Otherwise, get the authorization code from the Login with Amazon (LWA) authorization server.
    Make sure to request access to the alexa::skills:account_linking scope. The Amazon authorization code is valid for five minutes.
  3. With the Amazon authorization code that you just received, call LWA to exchange the authorization code for an Amazon access token.
    For details, see LWA Access Token Request. The Amazon access token expires in one hour. If you expect to call the Skill Enablement API after that time, you must store the Amazon refresh token that LWA provides, and then call LWA to exchange the refresh token for a new Amazon access token.

For general information about account linking and Alexa skills, see Add Account Linking to Your Alexa Skill.


The Skill Enablement API includes the following operations. Each operation is for a developer skill owner or for a customer. Make sure to select the right API for your implementation.

Operation HTTP method and URI

Enable skill

PUT /v1/skills/{skillId}/stages/{stage}/enablement

Enable skill and account link

POST /v1/users/~current/skills/{skillId}/enablement

Disable skill

DELETE /v1/skills/{skillId}/stages/{stage}/enablement

Disable skill and unlink account

DELETE /v1/users/~current/skills/{skillId}/enablement

Get API endpoint

GET /v1/alexaApiEndpoint

Get account linking and skill status

GET /v1/users/~current/skills/{skillId}/enablement

Get skill enablement status

GET /v1/skills/{skillId}/stages/{stage}/enablement

Enable skill

Enable the specified skill stage for the developer or other skill owner. If another stage is enabled, that stage is disabled, and then the specified stage is enabled.


To enable a skill, you make a PUT request to the enablement resource.

Request path and header example

Copied to clipboard.

PUT /v1/skills/{skillId}/stages/{stage}/enablement
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access token}

Request path and header parameters

Parameter Located in Description Type Required



Identifies the skill.
Formatted as Amazon Common Identifier (ACI), amzn1.alexa.skill.did.{id}.
Valid values: 1–255 characters.





Indicates stage of the skill. Until your skill is published, set to development.
Valid values: development, live.



access token


LWA token.



Request body example

The request has no body.

Request body properties

The request has no body.


A successful response returns HTTP 204 No Content that indicates that the skill is enabled. On error, the response returns the appropriate HTTP status code and includes a response body with an error code and human readable message.

Response body example

The response has no body.

Response body properties

The response has no body.

HTTP status codes

Status Description

204 No Content

Skill enabled for the specified customer and stage.

400 Bad Request

Indicates that one or more properties in the request header or body aren't valid.
The following example shows the response body with the error code and message.

     "message": "Incorrect endpoint for customer.",
     "code": "incorrectEndpoint"

401 Unauthorized

Request didn't include the authorization token, or the included token expired or isn't valid. Or, you don't have access to the resource.

403 Forbidden

Indicates that the authorization token is valid, but the requested operation isn't allowed.

404 Not Found

Requested skill or skill stage not found.

429 Too Many Requests

Permitted rate limit, specified as number of requests per unit of time, exceeded. Retry the request by using exponential back-off.

500 Server Error

Error occurred on the server. Retry the request by using exponential back-off.

503 Service Unavailable

Server is down for maintenance, overloaded, or otherwise unavailable to handle the incoming request.

Enable the specified skill for the specified customer, and then link the customer's Amazon account to the customer's account in another system. For details about how this API fits into app-to-app account linking, see How it works.

To enable a skill and account link, you make a POST request to the enablement resource.

Parameter Located in Description Type Required



Identifies the skill.
Formatted as Amazon Common Identifier (ACI), amzn1.alexa.skill.did.{id}.
Valid values: 1–255 characters.



access token


LWA token. The access token must be specific to the customer and to your skill. For more details about access tokens, see Authentication.



    "stage": "live",
    "accountLinkRequest": {
        "redirectUri": "https://yourRedirectURI",
        "authCode": "someToken1",
        "type": "AUTH_CODE"
Property Description Type Required


Identifies the skill stage.
Valid values: live, development.




Account linking information for your OAuth 2.0 server.




Type of OAuth 2.0 request.
Valid value: AUTH_CODE.




Authorization code for the customer. Alexa sends this code to your authorization server to exchange for access tokens.




Redirect URI. Use the same value as the redirect_uri parameter included in the authorization request to your OAuth 2.0 server to obtain the user's authorization code. This URI enables Amazon to retrieve access tokens from your token server. This URL must be opaque to Amazon.




Random string. Supports OAuth servers that employ the Proof of Key Code Exchange (PKCE) OAuth2 extension to secure authorization codes for their endpoints.
Valid value: 43–128 characters.



A successful response returns HTTP 201 Created, along with the skill enablement status. On error, the response returns the appropriate HTTP status code and includes a response body with an error code and human readable message.

    "skill": {
        "id": "amzn1.ask.skill.1",
        "stage": "live"
    "user": {
        "id": "amzn1.ask.account.1"
    "accountLink": {
        "status": "LINKED"
    "status": "ENABLED"
Property Description Type


Skill information.


Identifies the skill.
Formatted as Amazon Common Identifier (ACI), amzn1.alexa.skill.did.{id}.
Valid values: 1–255 characters.



Indicates stage of the skill. Until your skill is published, set to development.
Valid values: development, live.



Identifies the user.


Unique identifier for the customer. If the customer disables and re-enables the skill, this value might change.



Status of account linking between the customer's Amazon account and the customer's account in another system.



Accounting linking status.
Valid values: LINKED, NOT_LINKED.



Enablement status of the skill.
Valid values:

  • ENABLED: Skill was successfully enabled.
  • ENABLING: Enablement was initiated, but background processes are ongoing.
  • ENABLING_FAILED: Customer initiated an enablement, but a background process failed and isn't recoverable.
  • DISABLED: Skill was previously enabled, but the skill is disabled now.
  • DISABLING: Customer removed their enablement for the skill, but background processes are still finishing.
  • DISABLING_FAILED: Customer removed their enablement for the skill, but a background process failed and isn't recoverable.
  • NO_ASSOCIATION: Customer never enabled the skill. Treat this status like a 404.


Status Description

201 Created

Response body contains the skill and account linking statuses.

400 Bad Request

Indicates that one or more properties in the request header or body aren't valid.
The following example shows the response body with the error code and message.

     "message": "Incorrect endpoint for customer.",
     "code": "incorrectEndpoint"

401 Unauthorized

Request didn't include the authorization token, or the included token expired or isn't valid. Or, you don't have access to the resource.

403 Forbidden

Indicates that the authorization token is valid, but the requested operation isn't allowed.

404 Not Found

Requested skill or skill stage not found.

429 Too Many Requests

Permitted rate limit, specified as number of requests per unit of time, exceeded. Retry the request by using exponential back-off.

500 Server Error

Error occurred on the server. Retry the request by using exponential back-off.

503 Service Unavailable

Server is down for maintenance, overloaded, or otherwise unavailable to handle the incoming request.

Disable skill

Disable the specified skill for the developer or other skill owner.


To disable a skill, you make a PUT request to the enablement resource.

Request path and header example

Copied to clipboard.

DELETE /v1/skills/{skillId}/stages/{stage}/enablement
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access token}

Request path and header parameters

Parameter Located in Description Type Required



Identifies the skill.
Formatted as Amazon Common Identifier (ACI), amzn1.alexa.skill.did.{id}.
Valid values: 1–255 characters.





Indicates stage of the skill.
Valid values: development, live.



access token


LWA token.



Request body example

The request has no body.

Request body properties

The response has no body.


A successful response returns HTTP 204 No Content that indicates the skill is disabled. On error, the response returns the appropriate HTTP status code and includes a response body with an error code and human readable message.

Response body example

The response has no body.

Response body properties

The response has no body.

HTTP status codes

Status Description

204 No Content

Skill disabled for the specified customer and stage.

400 Bad Request

Indicates that one or more properties in the request header or body aren't valid.
The following example shows the response body with the error code and message.

     "message": "Incorrect endpoint for customer.",
     "code": "incorrectEndpoint"

401 Unauthorized

Request didn't include the authorization token, or the included token expired or isn't valid. Or, you don't have access to the resource.

403 Forbidden

Indicates that the authorization token is valid, but the requested operation isn't allowed.

404 Not Found

Requested skill or skill stage not found.

429 Too Many Requests

Permitted rate limit, specified as number of requests per unit of time, exceeded. Retry the request by using exponential back-off.

500 Server Error

Error occurred on the server. Retry the request by using exponential back-off.

503 Service Unavailable

Server is down for maintenance, overloaded, or otherwise unavailable to handle the incoming request.

Disable the specified skill for the customer and unlink the accounts.

To disable a skill, you make a DELETE request to the enablement resource. You must make this request to the same endpoint that you used in Enable skill and account link.

Parameter Located in Description Type Required



Identifies the skill.
Formatted as Amazon Common Identifier (ACI), amzn1.alexa.skill.did.{id}.
Valid values: 1–255 characters.



access token


LWA token. The access token must be specific to the customer and to your skill. For more details about access tokens, see Authentication.



The request has no body.

The response has no body.

A successful response returns HTTP 200 OK that indicates the skill is disabled and the accounts are unlinked. On error, the response returns the appropriate HTTP status code and includes a response body with an error code and human readable message.

The response has no body.

The response has no body.

Status Description

200 OK

Successfully disabled the skill for the specified customer and unlinked the customer accounts.

400 Bad Request

Indicates that one or more properties in the request header or body aren't valid.
The following example shows the response body with the error code and message.

     "message": "Incorrect endpoint for customer.",
     "code": "incorrectEndpoint"

401 Unauthorized

Request didn't include the authorization token, or the included token expired or isn't valid. Or, you don't have access to the resource.

403 Forbidden

Indicates that the authorization token is valid, but the requested operation isn't allowed.

404 Not Found

Requested skill or skill stage not found.

429 Too Many Requests

Permitted rate limit, specified as number of requests per unit of time, exceeded. Retry the request by using exponential back-off.

500 Server Error

Error occurred on the server. Retry the request by using exponential back-off.

503 Service Unavailable

Server is down for maintenance, overloaded, or otherwise unavailable to handle the incoming request.

Check whether the specified skill is enabled for the customer, and then check whether the customer's Amazon account and the customer's account in another system are linked. You must make this request to the same endpoint that you used in Enable skill and account link.


To get the account linking and skill status, you make a GET request to the enablement resource.

Request path and header example

Copied to clipboard.

GET /v1/users/~current/skills/{skillId}/enablement
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access token}

Request path and header parameters

Parameter Located in Description Type Required



Identifies the skill.
Formatted as Amazon Common Identifier (ACI), amzn1.alexa.skill.did.{id}.
Valid values: 1–255 characters.



access token


LWA token. The access token must be specific to the customer and to your skill. For more details about access tokens, see Authentication.



Request body example

The request has no body.

Request body properties

The request has no body.


A successful response returns HTTP 200 OK, along with the skill and account linking statuses. On error, the response returns the appropriate HTTP status code and includes a response body with an error code and human readable message.

Response body example

    "skill": {
        "id": "amzn1.ask.skill.1",
        "stage": "live"
    "user": {
        "id": "amzn1.ask.account.1"
    "accountLink": {
        "status": "LINKED"
    "status": "ENABLED"

Response body properties

Property Description Type


Skill information.


Identifies the skill.
Formatted as Amazon Common Identifier (ACI), amzn1.alexa.skill.did.{id}. Valid values: 1–255 characters.



Indicates stage of the skill. Until your skill is published, set to development.
Valid values: development, live.



Identifies the user.


Unique identifier for the customer. If the customer disables and re-enables the skill, this value might change.



Status of account linking between the customer's Amazon account and the customer's account in another system.



Accounting linking status.
Valid values: LINKED, NOT_LINKED.



Enablement status of the skill.
Valid values:

  • ENABLED: Skill was successfully enabled.
  • ENABLING: Enablement was initiated, but background processes are ongoing.
  • ENABLING_FAILED: Customer initiated an enablement, but a background process failed and isn't recoverable.
  • DISABLED: Skill was previously enabled, but the skill is disabled now.
  • DISABLING: Customer removed their enablement for the skill, but background processes are still finishing.
  • DISABLING_FAILED: Customer removed their enablement for the skill, but a background process failed and isn't recoverable.
  • NO_ASSOCIATION: Customer has never enabled the skill. Treat this status like a 404.


HTTP status codes

Status Description

200 OK

Response body contains the skill and account linking statuses.

400 Bad Request

Indicates that one or more properties in the request header or body aren't valid.
The following example shows the response body with the error code and message.

     "message": "Incorrect endpoint for customer.",
     "code": "incorrectEndpoint"

401 Unauthorized

Request didn't include the authorization token, or the included token expired or isn't valid. Or, you don't have access to the resource.

403 Forbidden

Indicates that the authorization token is valid, but the requested operation isn't allowed.

404 Not Found

Requested skill or skill stage not found.

429 Too Many Requests

Permitted rate limit, specified as number of requests per unit of time, exceeded. Retry the request by using exponential back-off.

500 Server Error

Error occurred on the server. Retry the request by using exponential back-off.

503 Service Unavailable

Server is down for maintenance, overloaded, or otherwise unavailable to handle the incoming request.

Get API endpoint

Get the Alexa API endpoint for the specified customer. The returned endpoint is based on where the customer's Amazon account is registered. Use this endpoint when you call the Skill Enablement API for the customer.

If the request returns more than one endpoint, that means the Alexa service couldn't determine the correct endpoint for the customer. When you call the Skill Enablement API, you must call each of the endpoints in sequence. Only one endpoint will succeed.


To get the API endpoint, you make a GET request to the alexaApiEndpoint resource.

Request path and header example

Copied to clipboard.

GET /v1/alexaApiEndpoint
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access token}
Accept: application/json

Request path and header parameters

Parameter Located in Description Type Required

access token


LWA token. The access token must be specific to the customer and to your skill. For more details about access tokens, see Authentication.



Request body example

The request has no body.

Request body properties

The request has no body.


A successful response returns HTTP 200 OK, along with a list of Alexa endpoints. On error, the response returns the appropriate HTTP status code and includes a response body with an error code and human readable message. If the status code is 5XX, call the Skill Enablement API by using the following endpoints in sequence:


Response body example

The following example shows a response.

    "endpoints": [

Response body properties

Property Description Type


Alexa endpoints. Use these endpoints in subsequent calls to the Skill Enablement API for the customer.

Array of string

HTTP status codes

Status Description

200 OK

Response body contains a list of Alexa endpoints.

400 Bad Request

Indicates that one or more properties in the request header or body aren't valid.
The following example shows the response body with the error code and message.

     "message": "Incorrect endpoint for customer.",
     "code": "incorrectEndpoint"

401 Unauthorized

Request didn't include the authorization token, or the included token expired or isn't valid. Or, you don't have access to the resource.

403 Forbidden

Indicates that the authorization token is valid, but the requested operation isn't allowed.

404 Not Found

Requested skill or skill stage not found.

429 Too Many Requests

Permitted rate limit, specified as number of requests per unit of time, exceeded. Retry the request by using exponential back-off.

500 Server Error

Error occurred on the server. Retry the request by using exponential back-off.

503 Service Unavailable

Server is down for maintenance, overloaded, or otherwise unavailable to handle the incoming request.

Get skill enablement status

Check that the specified skill is enabled for the customer. The accessToken specifies the developer or other skill owner.


To get the skill enablement status, you make a GET request to the enablement resource.

Request path and header example

Copied to clipboard.

GET /v1/skills/{skillId}/stages/{stage}/enablement
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access token}

Request path and header parameters

Parameter Located in Description Type Required



Identifies the skill.
Formatted as Amazon Common Identifier (ACI), amzn1.alexa.skill.did.{id}.
Valid values: 1–255 characters.





Indicates stage of the skill.
Valid values: development, live.



access token


LWA token.



Request body example

The request has no body.

Request body properties

The request has no body.


A successful response returns HTTP 204 No Content that indicates that the skill is enabled. On error, the response returns the appropriate HTTP status code and includes a response body with an error code and human readable message.

Response body example

The response has no body.

Response body properties

The response has no body.

HTTP status codes

Status Description

204 No Content

Skill enabled for the specified customer and stage.

400 Bad Request

Indicates that one or more properties in the request header or body aren't valid.
The following example shows the response body with the error code and message.

     "message": "Incorrect endpoint for customer.",
     "code": "incorrectEndpoint"

401 Unauthorized

Request didn't include the authorization token, or the included token expired or isn't valid. Or, you don't have access to the resource.

403 Forbidden

Indicates that the authorization token is valid, but the requested operation isn't allowed.

404 Not Found

Requested skill or skill stage not found.

429 Too Many Requests

Permitted rate limit, specified as number of requests per unit of time, exceeded. Retry the request by using exponential back-off.

500 Server Error

Error occurred on the server. Retry the request by using exponential back-off.

503 Service Unavailable

Server is down for maintenance, overloaded, or otherwise unavailable to handle the incoming request.

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Last updated: Feb 27, 2025