Understand How Users Invoke Custom Skills

Users invoke custom skills in two ways: using a supported phrase combined with the invocation name, or indirectly with name-free interaction.

About invoking custom skills

Users can invoke Alexa custom skills in two ways:

Invoke a skill with a specific request (intent)

Users can combine your invocation name with an action, command or question. This sends the service for your skill an IntentRequest with the specific intent that corresponds to the user's request. The action, command, or question included in the phrase comes from the sample utterances you define and map to intents.

There are several ways users can combine your invocation name with the request.

Request followed by the invocation name, with a supported connecting word in between – this can make the phrase flow more naturally:

"اليكسا برجي اليوم من توقعات الابراج اليومية"

Invocation name and request provided in a supported phrase with "أسألي" and other phrases:

"اليكسا اسألي توقعات الابراج اليومية عن برجي اليوم"

Note that users can include additional words around their utterances.

The following table summarizes the set of supported phrases for invoking your skill with an intent. In these examples, the request portion (a sample utterance) is shown in italics, while words defined by Alexa are shown in bold.

Invocation Phrase Examples

<some action> <connecting word> <invocation name>

where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

من , في

اعطيني توقعات برج الجوزاء من توقعات الابراج اليومية

برجي اليوم في توقعات الابراج اليومية

اسألي <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

عن , إذا

اسألي نتائج كورة إذا فاز ريال مدريد

اسألي نتائج كورة عن نتيجة مباراة ريال مدريد ومانشستر يونايتد

اطلبي من <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

where the <connecting word> is the following:


اطلبي من نتائج كورة أن تعطيني نتيجة مباراة ريال مدريد ومانشستر يونايتد

اطلبي من <invocation name> <some action>

(note that there is no connecting word between "ask" and the command or question in this variation).

اطلبي من توقعات الابراج اليومية برج الثور

ابحثي في <invocation name> عن <some action>

ابحثي في توقعات الابراج اليومية عن برج الجوزاء

استخدمي <invocation name> <some action beginning with ل or و>

(in this variation, ل or و must be part of the sample utterance)

استخدمي توقعات الابراج اليومية واعطيني توقعات برج الجوزاء

استخدمي توقعات الابراج اليومية لقراءة توقعات برج الجوزاء

Users can combine your invocation name with an action, command or question. This sends the service for your skill an IntentRequest with the specific intent that corresponds to the user's request. The action, command, or question included in the phrase comes from the sample utterances you define and map to intents.

There are several ways users can combine your invocation name with the request:

  • Request followed by the invocation name, with a supported connecting word in between – this can make the phrase flow more naturally: "Alexa, laat me mijn horoscoop zien van Dagelijkse Horoscoop".
  • Invocation name and request provided in a supported phrase with "vraag", "vertel", and other phrases: "Alexa, vraag Dagelijkse Horoscoop over Weegschaal".

Note that users can include additional words around their utterances.

The following table summarizes the set of supported phrases for invoking your skill with an intent. In these examples, the request portion (a sample utterance) is shown in italics, while words defined by Alexa are shown in bold.

Invocation Phrase Examples

<some action> <connecting word> <invocation name>

where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

bij, van, in, met behulp van, met

geef me mijn horoscoop met behulp van Dagelijkse Horoscoop.

vertel me mijn horoscoop voor Weegschaal van Dagelijkse Horoscoop.

order a car from Car Fu.

Vraag <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

naar, over, voor

Vraag Dagelijkse Horoscoop om me de horoscoop voor Weegschaal te geven.

Vraag Dagelijkse Horoscoop om Weegschaal

Vraag Dagelijkse Horoscoop over Weegschaal

Vraag Mijn Skileraar of er sneeuw in mijn favoriete resort ligt

Vraag Mijn Skileraar naar het weer in mijn favoriete resort

Vraag <invocation name> <some action>

(note that there is no connecting word between "vraag" and the command or question in this variation).

Vraag Dagelijkse Horoscoop het Weegschaal artikel vandaag

Vraag <invocation name> <question beginning with a supported question word such as 'wat', 'hoe', etc.>

(in this variation, the question word must be part of the sample utterance)

Vraag Recepten hoe maak ik een omelet ?

Vraag Dagelijkse Horoscoop wat is de horoscoop voor Weegschaal

Tell <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

Where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

naar, dat

Zeg Scoretool dat Steven tien punten krijgt.

Vertel Scoretool dat Steven tien punten heeft.

Zeg <invocation name> <some action>

(note that there is no connecting word between "zeg" and the command or question in this variation).

Zeg Dagelijkse Horoscoop ik wil mijn Weegschaal horoscoop vandaag.

Zoek in <invocation name> naar <some action>

Zoek in Dagelijkse Horoscoop naar Weegschaal

Open <invocation name> for <some action>

Open Dagelijkse Horoscoop voor Weegschaal

Additional invocation phrases combined with "en":

  • Praat met <invocation name> en <some action>
  • Open <invocation name> en <some action>
  • Lanceer <invocation name> en <some action>
  • Start <invocation name> en <some action>
  • Hervat <invocation name> en <some action>
  • Voer <invocation name> uit en <some action>
  • Laad <invocation name> en <some action>
  • Begin <invocation name> en <some action>

Praat met Dagelijkse Horoscoop en geef me de horoscoop voor Weegschaal

Open Dagelijkse Horoscoop en geef me de horoscoop voor Weegschaal

Launch Dagelijkse Horoscoop en geef me de horoscoop voor Weegschaal

Start Dagelijkse Horoscoop en geef me de horoscoop voor Weegschaal

Resume Dagelijkse Horoscoop en geef me de horoscoop voor Weegschaal

Run Dagelijkse Horoscoop en geef me de horoscoop voor Weegschaal

Load Dagelijkse Horoscoop en geef me de horoscoop voor Weegschaal

Begin Dagelijkse Horoscoop en geef me de horoscoop voor Weegschaal

Gebruik <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

Where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

en, om

Gebruik Dagelijkse Horoscoop en geef me de horoscoop voor weegschaal

Gebruik Dagelijkse Horoscoop to geef me de horoscoop voor weegschaal

Users can combine your invocation name with an action, command or question. This sends the service for your skill an IntentRequest with the specific intent that corresponds to the user's request. The action, command, or question included in the phrase comes from the sample utterances you define and map to intents.

There are several ways users can combine your invocation name with the request:

  • Request followed by the invocation name, with a supported connecting word in between – this can make the phrase flow more naturally: "Alexa, get today's Taurus report from Daily Horoscopes".
  • Invocation name and request provided in a supported phrase with "ask", "tell", and other phrases: "Alexa, Ask Daily Horoscopes about Taurus".

Note that users can include additional words around their utterances.

The following table summarizes the set of supported phrases for invoking your skill with an intent. In these examples, the request portion (a sample utterance) is shown in italics, while words defined by Alexa are shown in bold.

Invocation Phrase Examples

<some action> <connecting word> <invocation name>

where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

by, from, in, using, with

give me my Taurus horoscope using Daily Horoscopes.

tell me the horoscope for Taurus from Daily Horoscopes.

order a car from Car Fu.

Ask <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

to, about, for, if, whether

Ask Daily Horoscopes to give me the horoscope for Taurus.

Ask Daily Horoscopes about Taurus

Ask Daily Horoscopes for Taurus

Ask my ski reporter if there is snow at my favorite resort today

Ask my ski reporter whether there is snow at my favorite resort today

Ask <invocation name> <some action>

(note that there is no connecting word between "ask" and the command or question in this variation).

Ask Daily Horoscopes the Taurus report today

Ask <invocation name> <question beginning with a supported question word such as 'what', 'how', etc.>

(in this variation, the question word must be part of the sample utterance)

Ask recipes how do I make an omelet?

Ask Daily Horoscopes what's the horoscope for Taurus

Tell <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

Where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

to, that

Tell scorekeeper to give ten points to Stephen

Tell scorekeeper that Stephen has ten points.

Tell <invocation name> <some action>

(note that there is no connecting word between "tell" and the command or question in this variation).

Tell Daily Horoscopes I want my Taurus horoscope today

Search <invocation name> for <some action>

Search Daily Horoscopes for Taurus

Open <invocation name> for <some action>

Open Daily Horoscopes for Taurus

Additional invocation phrases combined with "and":

  • Talk to <invocation name> and <some action>
  • Open <invocation name> and <some action>
  • Launch <invocation name> and <some action>
  • Start <invocation name> and <some action>
  • Resume <invocation name> and <some action>
  • Run <invocation name> and <some action>
  • Load <invocation name> and <some action>
  • Begin <invocation name> and <some action>

Talk to Daily Horoscopes and give me the horoscope for Taurus

Open Daily Horoscopes and give me the horoscope for Taurus

Launch Daily Horoscopes and give me the horoscope for Taurus

Start Daily Horoscopes and give me the horoscope for Taurus

Resume Daily Horoscopes and give me the horoscope for Taurus

Run Daily Horoscopes and give me the horoscope for Taurus

Load Daily Horoscopes and give me the horoscope for Taurus

Begin Daily Horoscopes and give me the horoscope for Taurus

Use <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

Where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

and, to

Use Daily Horoscopes and get the horoscope for Taurus

Use Daily Horoscopes to get the horoscope for Taurus

Users can combine your invocation name with an action, command or question. This sends the service for your skill an IntentRequest with the specific intent that corresponds to the user's request. The action, command, or question included in the phrase comes from the sample utterances you define and map to intents.

Users can combine your invocation name with the request in the following way:

  • Invocation name and request provided in a supported phrase with "demande", "lance", and other phrases: "Alexa, Demande à signe astrologique les gémeaux".

Note that users can include additional words around their utterances.

The following table summarizes the set of supported phrases for invoking your skill with an intent. In these examples, the request portion (a sample utterance) is shown in italics, while words defined by Alexa are shown in bold.

Invocation Phrase Examples

Demande à <invocation name> <some action>

(note that there is no connecting word between "Demande à" and the command or question in this variation).

Demande à signe astrologique l'horoscope des verseaux

Demande à <invocation name> <question beginning with a supported question word such as 'quel', 'comment', 'où', 'si', etc.>

(in this variation, the question word must be part of the sample utterance)

Demande àrecettes de mamie lucillecomment faire une sauce carbonara?

Demande à signe astrologique quel est l'horoscope des verseaux

Dis à <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

Where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

de, d', que, qu'

Dis à défis de champions de donner dix points à vincent

Dis à défis de champions d' arrêter le deuxième défi

Dis à <invocation name> <some action>

(note that there is no connecting word between "dis à" and the command or question in this variation).

Dis à défis de champions je veux le dernier défi

Cherche <some action> (sur) <invocation name>

Cherche la population de la Grèce sur Information sur l'Europe

Additional invocation phrases combined with "et" or "pour":

  • Ouvre <invocation name> et <some action>
  • Lance <invocation name> pour <some action>
  • Commence <invocation name> et <some action>
  • Démarre <invocation name> pour <some action>
  • Utilise <invocation name> et <some action>
  • Va à <invocation name> pour <some action>
  • Va dans <invocation name> et <some action>
  • Va sur <invocation name> pour <some action>

Ouvre signe astrologique et donne-moi l'horoscope des Gémeaux

Lance Signe Astrologique pour me donner l'horoscope des Gémeaux

Commence Signe Astrologique et donne-moi l'horoscope des Gémeaux

Démarre Signe Astrologique pour me donner l'horoscope des Gémeaux

Utilise Signe Astrologique et donne-moi l'horoscope des Gémeaux

Va à Signe Astrologique pour me donner l'horoscope des Gémeaux

Va dans Signe Astrologique et donne-moi l'horoscope des Gémeaux

Va sur Signe Astrologique pour me donner l'horoscope des Gémeaux

Users can combine your invocation name with an action, command or question. This sends the service for your skill an IntentRequest with the specific intent that corresponds to the user's request. The action, command, or question included in the phrase comes from the sample utterances you define and map to intents.

There are several ways users can combine your invocation name with the request:

  • Request followed by the invocation name, with a supported connecting word in between – this can make the phrase flow more naturally: "Alexa, gib mir das Horoskop für Fische vom Tageshoroskop".
  • Invocation name and request provided in a supported phrase with "frage", "sage", and other phrases: "Alexa, Frage Tageshoroskop nach dem Horoskop für Fische".

Note that users can include additional words around their utterances.

The following table summarizes the set of supported phrases for invoking your skill with an intent. In these examples, the request portion (a sample utterance) is shown in italics, while words defined by Alexa are shown in bold.

Invocation Phrase Examples

<some action> <connecting word> <invocation name>

where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

von, vom, mit (dem/der)

gib mir mein Horoskop für Fische mit Tageshoroskop.

Horoskop für Skorpion mit dem Tageshoroskop.

sage mir mein Stierhoroskop von Tageshoroskop.

bestelle ein Auto vom Automeister.

Frage <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

ob, nach

Frage Tageshoroskop nach dem Horoskop für Fische.

Frage Tageshoroskop nach Stier.

Frage Tageshoroskop nach dem Horoskop für Stiere.

Frage meinen Skireporter ob es Schnee in meinem Lieblingsresort gibt.

Frage <invocation name> <question beginning with a supported question word such as ‘was’, ‘wie’, etc.>

(in this variation, the question word must be part of the sample utterance)

Frage Rezepthelfer wie ich ein Omelett mache.

Frage Tageshoroskop, was mein heutiges Horoskop ist.

Sage <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

Where the <connecting word> is one of the following:


Sage Punktetabelle, dass Moritz gepunktet hat.

Sage Punktetabelle, dass Robin zehn Punkte hat.

Sage <invocation name> <some action>

(note that there is no connecting word between “sage” and the command or question in this variation).

Sage Tageshoroskop, ich möchte mein heutiges Horoskop wissen.

Suche <some action> <connecting word> <invocation name>

Where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

im, in, bei, beim

Suche Fische im Tageshoroskop.

Suche Widder in meinem Tageshoroskop.

Suche das Horoskop für Widder bei Tageshoroskop.

Suche <connecting word> <invocation name> nach <some action>

Where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

im, in, bei, beim

Suche im Tageshoroskop nach Wassermann.
Durchsuche <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

Where the <connecting word> is one of the following:


Durchsuche Tageshoroskop nach Widder.

Öffne <invocation name> mit dem/der <some action>

Öffne Tageshoroskop mit dem Horoskop für Fische.

<invocation name> beginnen um <some action> Tageshoroskop beginnen um mein Horoskop aufzurufen.
Benutze <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

Where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

bei, um

Benutze Tageshoroskop um mir mein Sternzeichen zu verraten.

Benutze Tageshoroskop bei Horoskop für Widder.

Lade <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

Where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

mit (dem/der)

Lad Tageshoroskop mit dem Horoskop für Schütze.

Verwende <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

<invocation name> verwenden <connecting word> <some action>

Where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

um, für

Verwende mein Tageshoroskop um mir mein Sternzeichen zu verraten. Tageshoroskop verwenden für mein aktuelles Horoskop.
Starte <invocation name> mit (dem/der) <some action> Starte Tageshoroskop mit dem Horoskop für Wassermann.
Rufe <some action> bei <invocation name> ab

Rufe bei <invocation name> <some action> ab

Rufe das Horoskop für Widder bei meinem Tageshoroskop ab.

Rufe bei Tageshoroskop das Horoskop für Widder ab.

Additional invocation phrases combined with “und”:

  • Öffne <invocation name> und <some action>
  • Starte <invocation name> und <some action>
  • Setze <invocation name> fort und <some action>
  • Lade <invocation name> und <some action>
  • Führe <Invocation Name> aus und <eine Aktion>
  • Sprich mit <invocation name> und <some action>
  • Verwende <invocation name> und <some action>
  • Rufe <invocation name> ab und <some action>
  • Beginne <invocation name> und <some action>
  • Benutze <invocation name> und <some action>

(note that for all the invocation phrases above combined with “und” also the infinitive could be used e.g. <invocation name> fortsetzen und <some action>. The only expection is “sprich mit” which can be used as imperative only.)

Öffne Tageshoroskop und gib mir mein Horoskop für Fische.

Starte Tageshoroskop und gib mir mein Horoskop für Fische.

Setze Tageshoroskop fort und gib mir mein Horoskop für Fische.

Lade Tageshoroskop und gib mir mein Horoskop für Fische.

Führe Tageshoroskop aus und gib mir das Horoskop für Stiere.

Sprich mit Tageshoroskop und gib mir mein Horoskop für Krebs.

Verwende Tageshoroskop und gib mir mein Horoskop für Fische.

Rufe Tageshoroskop ab und gib mir mein Horoskop für Waage.

Beginne Tageshoroskop und gib mir mein Horoskop für Wassermann.

Benutze Tageshoroskop und gib mir das Horoskop für Stier.

Tageshoroskop abrufen und gib mir mein Horoskop für Löwe.

Tageshoroskop laden und gib mir mein Horoskop für Widder.

Users can combine your invocation name with an action, command or question. This sends the service for your skill an IntentRequest with the specific intent that corresponds to the user's request. The action, command, or question included in the phrase comes from the sample utterances you define and map to intents.

There are several ways users can combine your invocation name with the request:

  • Request followed by the invocation name, with a supported connecting word in between – this can make the phrase flow more naturally: "Alexa, दैनिक राशिफल में जाओ और वृषभ राशि के लिए Monday का राशिफल प्राप्त करो ".
  • Invocation name and request provided in a supported phrase with "से पूछो" and other phrases: "Alexa, दैनिक राशीफल से पूछो के मिथुन राशि का राशिफल क्या है".

Note that users can include additional words around their utterances.

The following table summarizes the set of supported phrases for invoking your skill with an intent. In these examples, the request portion (a sample utterance) is shown in italics, while words defined by Alexa are shown in bold.

Invocation Phrase Examples

<invocation name> से पूछो <connecting word> <some action>

where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

अगर, के, कि

दैनिक राशिफल से पूछो के मिथुन राशि का दिन कैसा रहेगा

मौसम विभाग से पूछो अगर आज New York में बर्फ गिरेगी

खाना बनाने की विधियों से पूछो कि आज की खास विधी कौन सी है

<invocation name> को पूछो <connecting word> <some action>

where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

अगर, के, कि

कृषि दर्शन को पूछो कि खाद कब डालनी है

कृषि दर्शन को पूछो अगर ज़्यादा बारिश से मेरी फ़सल खराब हो जाएगी

दैनिक प्रश्नावली को पूछो के आज का प्रश्न क्या है

'Ask' phrasing with no connecting word:

  • <invocation name> को पूछो <some action>
  • <invocation name> से पूछो <some action>
  • <invocation name> से <some action> के बारे में पूछो
  • <invocation name> को <some action> के बारे में पूछो

मौसम विभाग को पूछो आज दिल्ली में बारिश होगी क्या

खाना बनाने की विधियों से पूछो खीर कैसे बनाते हैं

दैनिक राशिफल से मिथुन राशि के बारे में पूछो

मौसम विभाग को दिल्ली के तापमान के बारे में पूछो

Phrasing using 'tell' verbs:

  • <invocation name> से कहो <connecting word> <some action>
  • <invocation name> से कहना <connecting word> <some action>
  • <invocation name> को बताओ <connecting word> <some action>

where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

कि, के

दैनिक राशिफल से कहो कि मुझे मिथुन राशि का राशिफ़ल बताए

दैनिक राशिफल से कहना कि मुझे और नहीं खेलना

खाना बनाने की विधियों को बताओ के मुझे भूख लगी है

Additional invocation phrases combined with "and":

  • <invocation name> शुरू कर और <some action>
  • <invocation name> शुरू करो और <some action>
  • <invocation name> खोलो और <some action>
  • <invocation name> खोलना और <some action>
  • <invocation name> प्रारंभ करो और <some action>
  • <invocation name> चालू कर और <some action>
  • <invocation name> चालू करो और <some action>
  • <invocation name> में जाओ और <some action>
  • <invocation name> का इस्तेमाल करो और <some action>

दैनिक राशिफल शुरू कर और मिथुन राशि का राशिफल बता

दैनिक राशिफल शुरू करो  और मिथुन राशि का राशिफल बताओ

दैनिक राशिफल खोलो और मुझे मिथुन राशी का राशिफल बताओ

दैनिक राशिफल खोलना और मिथुन राशि का राशिफल के बारे में बताना

दैनिक राशिफल प्रारंभ करो और मुझे मिथुन राशी का राशिफल बताओ

दैनिक राशिफल चालू कर और मुझे मिथुन राशी का राशिफल बता

दैनिक प्रश्नावली चालू करो और आज का प्रश्न बताओ

दैनिक राशिफल में जाओ और मिथुन राशि का राशिफल बताओ

खाना बनाने की विधियों का इस्तेमाल करो और खीर बनाने की विधी बताओ

Users can combine your invocation name with an action, command or question. This sends the service for your skill an IntentRequest with the specific intent that corresponds to the user's request. The action, command, or question included in the phrase comes from the sample utterances you define and map to intents.

Users can combine your invocation name with the request in the following way:

  • Invocation name and request provided in a supported phrase with "chiedi a", "domanda a", and other phrases: "Alexa, domanda a Oroscopo del Giorno l'oroscopo del Toro".

Note that users can include additional words around their utterances.

The following table summarizes the set of supported phrases for invoking your skill with an intent. In these examples, the request portion (a sample utterance) is shown in italics, while words defined by Alexa are shown in bold.

Invocation Phrase Examples

Domanda a <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

se può, di

Domanda a Oroscopo del Giorno se può dirmi l'oroscopo del Toro.

Domanda a Oroscopo del Giorno di dirmi l'oroscopo del Toro

Domanda a <invocation name> <some action>

(note that there is no connecting word between "domanda a" and the command or question in this variation).

Domanda a Oroscopo del Giorno l'oroscopo del Toro di oggi

Chiedi a <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

se può, di

Chiedi a Oroscopo del Giorno se può dirmi l'oroscopo del Toro.

Chiedi a Oroscopo del Giorno di dirmi l'oroscopo del Toro

Chiedi a <invocation name> <some action>

(note that there is no connecting word between "chiedi a" and the command or question in this variation).

Chiedi a Oroscopo del Giorno l'oroscopo del Toro di oggi

Di' a <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

where the <connecting word> is the following:


Di' a Oroscopo del Giorno di dirmi l'oroscopo del Toro.

Vai su <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

e, per

Vai su Oroscopo del Giorno e dimmi l'oroscopo del Toro

Vai su Oroscopo del Giorno per ottenere l'oroscopo del Toro

Vai su Oroscopo del Giorno per l'oroscopo del Toro

Additional invocation phrases combined with the connecting word "e":

  • Avvia <invocation name> e <some action>
  • Apri <invocation name> e <some action>
  • Lancia <invocation name> e <some action>
  • Accedi a <invocation name> e <some action>
  • Parla con <invocation name> e <some action>

Avvia Oroscopo del Giorno e dimmi l'oroscopo del Toro

Apri Oroscopo del Giorno e dimmi l'oroscopo del Toro

Lancia Oroscopo del Giorno e dimmi l'oroscopo del Toro

Accedi a Oroscopo del Giorno e dimmi l'oroscopo del Toro

Parla con Oroscopo del Giorno e dimmi l'oroscopo del Toro

Usa <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

e, per

Usa Oroscopo del Giorno e dimmi l'oroscopo del Toro

Usa Oroscopo del Giorno per ottenere l'oroscopo del Toro

Users can combine your invocation name with an action, command or question. This sends the service for your skill an IntentRequest with the specific intent that corresponds to the user's request. The action, command, or question included in the phrase comes from the sample utterances you define and map to intents.

There are several ways users can combine your invocation name with the request:

  • Request followed by a connecting word, the invocation name, and then a supported phrase : "アレクサ、牡牛座の運勢十二星座占いに聞いて".
  • Invocation name, a connecting word, and request provided in a supported phrase : "アレクサ、十二星座占いを使って牡牛座の運勢を教えて".

Note that users can include additional words around their utterances.

The following table summarizes the set of supported phrases for invoking your skill with an intent. In these examples, words defined by Alexa are shown in bold.

Invocation Phrase Examples

<some action><invocation name>に<supported phrase>

where the <supported phrase> is one of the following:



<some action><invocation name>で<supported phrase>

where the <supported phrase> is one of the following:




<invocation name><some action><supported phrase>

<invocation name><some action>を<supported phrase>

where the <supported phrase> is one of the following:



<invocation name><connecting word><some action><supported phrase>

<invocation name><connecting word><some action>を<supported phrase>

where the <connecting word> is one of the following:


where the <supported phrase> is one of the following:


<invocation name><some action>を開始して


<invocation name><some action>を確認して


<invocation name><some action>を教えて


<invocation name><some action>を調べて


<invocation name><some action>を探して


<invocation name><some action>を聞いて


<invocation name><some action>を確認して


<invocation name>を使って<some action>を教えて


<invocation name>を使って<some action>を探して


<invocation name>を使って<some action>を見て


<invocation name>使って<some action>を調べて


Additional invocation phrases combined with launch phrases:

  • <invocation name><some action>
  • <invocation name>を開いて<some action>
  • <invocation name>を起動して<some action>
  • <invocation name>を使って<some action>
  • <invocation name>をスタートして<some action>
  • <invocation name>を始めて<some action>
  • <invocation name>を開始して<some action>
  • <invocation name>を実行して<some action>

  • 十二星座占い運勢を占って
  • 十二星座占いを開いて運勢を占って
  • パワー照会を起動して電気代をチェックして
  • パワー照会を使って電気代をチェックして
  • クッキングナビをスタートしてレシピを検索
  • クッキングナビを始めてレシピを検索
  • タクシー予約を開始して車を手配して
  • タクシー予約を実行して車を手配して

Users can combine your invocation name with an action, command or question. This sends the service for your skill an IntentRequest with the specific intent that corresponds to the user's request. The action, command, or question included in the phrase comes from the sample utterances you define and map to intents.

There are several ways users can combine your invocation name with the request:

  • Request followed by the invocation name, with a supported connecting word in between – this can make the phrase flow more naturally: "Alexa, me dê o horóscopo de touro do Horóscopo Diário".
  • Invocation name and request provided in a supported phrase with "perguntar para a", "perguntar para o", "pedir à", "pedir ao" and other phrases: "Alexa, Pergunte para o Horóscopo Diário sobre o signo de touro".

Users can use supported launch phrasing using infinitives (abrir), and você (abra) and tu (abre) command forms with masculine and feminine, plural and singular optional articles before the skill name.

Note that users can include additional words around their utterances.

The following table summarizes the set of supported phrases for invoking your skill with an intent. In these examples, the request portion (a sample utterance) is shown in italics, while words defined by Alexa are shown in bold.

Pergunta para Meu Calendário que dia é hoje

Invocation Phrase Examples

<some action> <connecting word> <invocation name>

where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

de, em, usando, com

me dê o horóscopo de touro do Horóscopo Diário.

me diga o horóscopo de touro usando Horóscopo Diário.

reserve um táxi usando Meu Táxi.

Perguntar para <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

se, por, pela, pelo, pelas, pelos, sobre, que, para, pro, pra

Peça ao Horóscopo Diário para me dar o horóscopo de touro.

Pergunte para o Horóscopo Diário sobre touro

Peça ao Horóscopo Diário por touro

Pergunta para a Previsão do Dia se vai fazer sol hoje

Peça à Previsão do Dia pela temperatura atual

Pergunta ao <invocation name> sobre<question beginning with a supported question word such as 'qual', 'como', etc.>

(in this variation, the question word must be part of the sample utterance)

Pergunta ao Receitas Deliciosas sobre o modo de preparo de uma omelete

Pergunte para o Horóscopo Diário qual é o horóscopo de touro

Additional invocation phrases combined with "e" and "para":

  • Começar <invocation name> e <some action>
  • Começar <invocation name> para <some action>
  • Abrir <invocation name> e <some action>
  • Abrir <invocation name> para <some action>
  • Iniciar <invocation name> e <some action>
  • Iniciar <invocation name> para <some action>
  • Usar <invocation name> e <some action>
  • Usar <invocation name> para <some action>
  • Ir para o <invocation name> e <some action>
  • Ir pro <invocation name> para <some action>

Começa Horóscopo Diário e me dá o horóscopo de touro

Começa Horóscopo Diário para me dar o horóscopo de touro

Abre Horóscopo Diário e me dá o horóscopo de touro

Abre Horóscopo Diário para me dar o horóscopo de touro

Inicia Horóscopo Diário e me dá o horóscopo de touro

Inicia Horóscopo Diário para me dar o horóscopo de touro

Usa Horóscopo Diário e me dá o horóscopo de touro

Usa Horóscopo Diário para me dar o horóscopo de touro

Vai para o Horóscopo Diário e me dá o horóscopo de touro

Vai pro Horóscopo Diário para me dar o horóscopo de touro

Use o <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

Where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

e, para

Use o Horóscopo Diário e vá no horóscopo de touro

Use o Horóscopo Diário para ir no horóscopo de touro

Users can combine your invocation name with an action, command or question. This sends the service for your skill an IntentRequest with the specific intent that corresponds to the user's request. The action, command, or question included in the phrase comes from the sample utterances you define and map to intents.

There are several ways users can combine your invocation name with the request:

  • Invocation name and request provided in a supported phrase with "pregúntale a", "dile a", and other phrases: "Alexa, pregúntale a Horóscopo Diario sobre Géminis".

Note that users can include additional words around their utterances.

The following table summarizes the set of supported phrases for invoking your skill with an intent. In these examples, the request portion (a sample utterance) is shown in italics, while words defined by Alexa are shown in bold.

Invocation Phrase Examples

Pregúntale a <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

si, sobre

Pregúntale a Horóscopo Diario sobre géminis.

Pregúntale a Reportero De Nieve si hay nieve en el valle hoy

Pídele a <invocation name> <some action>

(note that there is no connecting word between “Pídele a” and the command or question in this variation).

Pídele a Horóscopo Diario el signo de géminis hoy

Pregúntale a <invocation name> <question beginning with a supported question word such as 'qué', 'cuál', 'cómo', etc.>

(in this variation, the question word must be part of the sample utterance)

Pregúntale a Totalmente Recetas cómo hago una tortilla francesa?

Pregúntale a Horóscopo Diario cuál es el horóscopo de géminis

Dile a <invocation name> <connecting word> <some action>

Where the <connecting word> is one of the following:

que, sobre

Dile a Marcador Total que le dé diez puntos a Ana

Abre <invocation name> para <some action>

Abre Horóscopo Diario para géminis

Additional invocation phrases combined with “y, para, para que”:

  • Abre <invocation name> y <some action>
  • Lanza <invocation name> para <some action>
  • Empieza <invocation name> para que <some action>
  • Comienza <invocation name> para <some action>
  • Inicia <invocation name> para que <some action>
  • Usa <invocation name> y <some action>

Abre Horóscopo Diario y dame el horóscopo de géminis

Lanza Horóscopo Diario para saber el horóscopo de géminis

Empieza Horóscopo Diario para que me dé el horóscopo de géminis

Comienza Horóscopo Diario para saber el horóscopo de géminis

Inicia Horóscopo Diario para que me dé el horóscopo de géminis

Usa Horóscopo Diario y dame el horóscopo de géminis

Invoke a skill with no specific request (no intent)

Users can begin interacting with your skill without providing a specific question, request, or command. This sends the service for your skill a LaunchRequest.

At a minimum, users can just say the wake word ("Alexa") and your skill's invocation name. For example, "Alexa, Daily Horoscopes" would invoke the skill with the invocation name "Daily Horoscopes."

Note that users can include additional words around their utterances.

Ways to start a skill with no intent:

Starting Phrase Example

ابدأ <invocation name>

اليكسا، ابدأ خمن الرقم

افتحي <invocation name>

اليكسا، افتحي توقعات الابراج اليومية

شغلي <invocation name>

اليكسا، شغلي توقعات الابراج اليومية

روحي الى <invocation name>

اليكسا، روحي إلى خمن الرقم

وديني حق <invocation name>

اليكسا، وديني حق خمن الرقم

Users can begin interacting with your skill without providing a specific question, request, or command. This sends the service for your skill a LaunchRequest.

At a minimum, users can just say the wake word ("Alexa") and your skill's invocation name. For example, "Alexa, Dagelijkse Horoscoop" would invoke the skill with the invocation name "Dagelijkse Horoscoop."

Note that users can include additional words around their utterances.

Ways to start a skill with no intent:

Starting Phrase Example
<invocation name> Alexa, Dagelijkse Horoscoop
vraag <invocation name> Alexa, vraag Dagelijkse Horoscoop
Begin <invocation name> Alexa, begin Trivia Kampioen
Lanceer <invocation name> Alexa, lanceer Car Fu
Laad <invocation name> Alexa, laad Dagelijkse Horoscoop
Open <invocation name> Alexa, open Dagelijkse Horoscoop
Speel <invocation name> Alexa, Speel Trivia Kampioen
Speel het spel <invocation name> Alexa, speel het spel Trivia Kampioen
hervat <invocation name> Alexa, hervat Trivia Kampioen
Run <invocation name> Alexa, run Dagelijkse Horoscoop
Start <invocation name> Alexa, start Dagelijkse Horoscoop
Start het spel <invocation name> Alexa, start het spel Trivia Kampioen
Vertel <invocation name> Alexa, vertel Dagelijkse Horoscoop
Gebruik <invocation name> Alexa, gebruik Dagelijkse Horoscoop

Users can begin interacting with your skill without providing a specific question, request, or command. This sends the service for your skill a LaunchRequest.

At a minimum, users can just say the wake word ("Alexa") and your skill's invocation name. For example, "Alexa, Daily Horoscopes" would invoke the skill with the invocation name "Daily Horoscopes."

Note that users can include additional words around their utterances.

Ways to start a skill with no intent:

Starting Phrase Example
<invocation name> Alexa, Daily Horoscopes
Ask <invocation name> Alexa, Ask Daily Horoscopes
Begin <invocation name> Alexa, Begin Trivia Master
Launch <invocation name> Alexa, Launch Car Fu
Load <invocation name> Alexa, Load Daily Horoscopes
Open <invocation name> Alexa, Open Daily Horoscopes
Play <invocation name> Alexa, Play Trivia Master
Play the game <invocation name> Alexa, Play the game Trivia Master
Resume <invocation name> Alexa, Resume Trivia Master
Run <invocation name> Alexa, Run Daily Horoscopes
Start <invocation name> Alexa, Start Daily Horoscopes
Start playing the game <invocation name> Alexa, Start playing the game Trivia Master
Tell <invocation name> Alexa, Tell Daily Horoscopes
Use <invocation name> Alexa, Use Daily Horoscopes

Users can begin interacting with your skill without providing a specific question, request, or command. This sends the service for your skill a LaunchRequest.

At a minimum, users can just say the wake word ("Alexa") and your skill's invocation name. For example, "Alexa, signe astrologique" would invoke the skill with the invocation name "signe astrologique."

Note that users can include additional words around their utterances.

Ways to start a skill with no intent:

Starting Phrase Example
<invocation name> Alexa, signe astrologique
Ouvre <invocation name> Alexa, Ouvre signe astrologique
Démarre <invocation name> Alexa, Démarre défis de champion
Commence <invocation name> Alexa, Commence voiture qui parle
Lance <invocation name> Alexa, Lance signe astrologique
Allume <invocation name> Alexa, Allume défis de champion
Mets <invocation name> Alexa, Mets voiture qui parle

Users can begin interacting with your skill without providing a specific question, request, or command. This sends the service for your skill a LaunchRequest.

At a minimum, users can just say the wake word ("Alexa") and your skill's invocation name. For example, "Alexa, Tageshoroskop" would invoke the skill with the invocation name "tageshoroskop."

Note that users can include additional words around their utterances.

Ways to start a skill with no intent:

Starting Phrase Example
<invocation name> Alexa, Tageshoroskop
Frage <invocation name> Alexa, Frage Tageshoroskop
Beginne <invocation name> Alexa, Beginne Tageshoroskop
Lade <invocation name> Alexa, Lade Tageshoroskop
Öffne <invocation name> Alexa, Öffne Tageshoroskop
Spiele <invocation name> Alexa, Spiele Quizmeister
Spiele das Spiel <invocation name> Alexa, Spiele das Spiel Quizmeister
Setze den <invocation name> fort Alexa, setze den Quizmeister fort
Starte <invocation name> Alexa, Starte Tageshoroskop
<invocation name> starten Alexa, Tageshoroskop starten
Starte das Spiel <invocation name> Alexa, Starte das Spiel Quizmeister
Benutze <invocation name> Alexa, Benutze Tageshoroskop
Führe <invocation name> aus Alexa, führe Tageshoroskop aus
<invocation name> ausführen Alexa, Tageshoroskop ausführen
Setze <invocation name> fort Alexa, setze Tageshoroskop fort
<invocation name> fortsetzen Alexa, Tageshoroskop fortsetzen

Users can begin interacting with your skill without providing a specific question, request, or command. This sends the service for your skill a LaunchRequest.

At a minimum, users can just say the wake word ("Alexa") and your skill's invocation name. For example, "Alexa, दैनिक राशिफल" would invoke the skill with the invocation name "दैनिक राशिफल."

Note that users can include additional words around their utterances.

Ways to start a skill with no intent:

Starting Phrase Example
<invocation name> Alexa, दैनिक राशिफल
<invocation name> से पूछो Alexa, दैनिक राशिफल से पूछो
<invocation name> शुरू करो Alexa, सामान्य ज्ञान गुरु शुरू करो
<invocation name> प्रारंभ करो Alexa, Car सलाहकार प्रारंभ करो
<invocation name> खोलो Alexa, दैनिक राशिफल खोलो
<invocation name> खेलो Alexa, Hollywood ज्ञान गुरु खेलो
<invocation name> चालू करो Alexa, दैनिक राशिफल चालू करो
<invocation name> open करो Alexa, दैनिक राशिफल open करो
<invocation name> इस्तेमाल करो Alexa, दैनिक राशिफल इस्तेमाल करो
<invocation name> से कहो Alexa, दैनिक राशिफल से कहो
<invocation name> से कहना Alexa, दैनिक राशिफल से कहना
<invocation name> को बताओ Alexa, दैनिक राशिफल को बताओ

Users can begin interacting with your skill without providing a specific question, request, or command. This sends the service for your skill a LaunchRequest.

At a minimum, users can just say the wake word ("Alexa") and your skill's invocation name. For example, "Alexa, Oroscopo del Giorno" would invoke the skill with the invocation name "oroscopo del giorno."

Note that users can include additional words around their utterances.

Ways to start a skill with no intent:

Starting Phrase Example
<invocation name> Alexa, Oroscopo del Giorno
Apri <invocation name> Alexa, apri Oroscopo del Giorno
Avvia <invocation name> Alexa, avvia Oroscopo del Giorno
Comincia <invocation name> Alexa, comincia Oroscopo del Giorno
Inizia <invocation name> Alexa, inizia Oroscopo del Giorno
Lancia <invocation name> Alexa, lancia Oroscopo del Giorno
Accedi a <invocation name> Alexa, accedi a Oroscopo del Giorno
Gioca con <invocation name> Alexa, gioca con Sapientone
Usa <invocation name> Alexa, usa Oroscopo del Giorno

Users can begin interacting with your skill without providing a specific question, request, or command. This sends the service for your skill a LaunchRequest.

At a minimum, users can just say the wake word ("アレクサ") and your skill's invocation name. For example, "アレクサ、十二星座占い" would invoke the skill with the invocation name "十二星座占い".

Note that users can include additional words around their utterances.

Ways to start a skill with no intent:

Starting Phrase Example
<invocation name> アレクサ、十二星座占い
<invocation name>を起動して アレクサ、十二星座占いを起動して
<invocation name>を使って アレクサ、十二星座占いを使って
<invocation name>を開いて アレクサ、十二星座占いを開いて
<invocation name>をスタート アレクサ、十二星座占いをスタート
<invocation name>をスタートして アレクサ、十二星座占いをスタートして
<invocation name>を始めて アレクサ、十二星座占いを始めて
<invocation name>を開始 アレクサ、十二星座占いを開始
<invocation name>を開始して アレクサ、十二星座占いを開始して
<invocation name>を実行して アレクサ、クッキングナビを実行して
<invocation name>を実行 アレクサ、クッキングナビを実行

Users can begin interacting with your skill without providing a specific question, request, or command. This sends the service for your skill a LaunchRequest.

At a minimum, users can just say the wake word ("Alexa") and your skill's invocation name. For example, "Alexa, Horóscopo Diário" would invoke the skill with the invocation name "Horóscopo Diário." Users can use supported launch phrasing using infinitives (abrir), and você (abra) and tu (abre) command forms with masculine and feminine, plural and singular optional articles before the skill name.

Note that users can include additional words around their utterances.

Ways to start a skill with no intent:

Starting Phrase Example
<invocation name> Alexa, Horóscopo Diário
Abrir <invocation name> Alexa, Abrir Horóscopo Diário
Abra o <invocation name> Alexa, Abra o Horóscopo Diário
Abre o <invocation name> Alexa, Abre o Horóscopo Diário
Comece o <invocation name> Alexa, Comece o Que É Sabidão
Inicie <invocation name> Alexa, Inicie Sons Do Oceano
Use o <invocation name> Alexa, Use o Horóscopo Diário
Toque <invocation name> Alexa, Toque Sons Do Oceano
Ir para o <invocation name> Alexa, Ir para o Horóscopo Diário
Vá pro <invocation name> Alexa, Vá pro Que É Sabidão
Vai no <invocation name> Alexa, Vai no Horóscopo Diário
Jogar <invocation name> Alexa, Jogar Que É Sabidão

Users can begin interacting with your skill without providing a specific question, request, or command. This sends the service for your skill a LaunchRequest.

At a minimum, users can just say the wake word ("Alexa") and your skill's invocation name. For example, "Alexa, Horóscopo Diario" would invoke the skill with the invocation name "Horóscopo Diario."

Users can use supported launch phrasing using infinitives (abrir), and formal (abra), and informal (abre) command forms.

Note that "jugar" in all its supported forms can be used for game skills only. For video, music, or audio skills that would require "play" in English, use instead "reproducir" in any supported verbal form.

Note that users can include additional words around their utterances.

Ways to start a skill with no intent:

Starting Phrase Example
<invocation name> Alexa, Horóscopo Diario
Empieza <invocation name> Alexa, Empieza Sabelotodo
Lanza <invocation name> Alexa, Lanza Coches Para Siempre
Abre <invocation name> Alexa, Abre Horóscopo Diario
Juega <invocation name> Alexa, Juega Sabelotodo
Juega el juego <invocation name> Alexa, Juega el juego Sabelotodo
Pon <invocation name> Alexa, Pon Sabelotodo
Empieza <invocation name> Alexa, Empieza Horóscopo Diario
Usa <invocation name> Alexa, Usa Horóscopo Diario
Inicia <invocation name> Alexa, Inicia Horóscopo Diario

Make sure that the sample utterances support the invocation phrases

All of the phrases described in this document are available for all skills. You do not need to enable the specific phrases. However, you do need to write sample utterances that flow naturally with these phrases.

For example, if all of your sample utterances are phrased as questions ("إيش هي التوقعات لبرج الثور؟"), then phrases that work with noun or verb utterances won't flow naturally. Users are unlikely to say something like "اسألي توقعات الابراج اليومية إيش هي التوقعات لبرج الثور؟" as this is not a natural way to ask this question. This reduces the number of useful invocation phrases.

For a better user experience, provide a large variety of sample utterances written in different forms:

  • Noun utterances ("…التوقعات لبرج")
  • Verb utterances ("…أعطيني التوقعات لبرج")
  • Question utterances ("…إيش هي توقعات برج")

Test how your utterances sound when combined with the invocation phrases shown in the table above. Write utterances that work with as many of the invocation phrases as possible.

English invocation phrase Arabic (SA) invocation phrase Arabic (SA) example Sample utterances for interaction model

use InvocationName to Request

استخدمي InvocationName Request

استخدمي نغمات عربية لتشغيل قائمة الاغاني المفضلة حقي

لتشغيل قائمة الاغاني المفضلة حقي

Request in InvocationName

Request في InvocationName

تشغيل قائمة الاغاني المفضة حقي في نغمات عربية

تشغيل قائمة الاغاني المفضلة حقي

open InvocationName and Request

افتحي InvocationName Request

افتحي لعبة الارقام وابدئي لعبة جديدة

وابدئي لعبة جديدة

Request in InvocationName

Request في InvocationName

ابدئي لعبة جديدة في لعبة الارقام

ابدئي لعبة جديدة

All of the phrases described in this document are available for all skills. You do not need to enable the specific phrases. However, you do need to write sample utterances that flow naturally with these phrases.

For example, if all of your sample utterances are phrased as questions ("Wat is de horoscoop voor Weegschaal"), then phrases that work with noun or verb utterances won't flow naturally. Users are unlikely to say something like "zeg Daily Horoscopes wat is de horoscoop voor Weegschaal," as this is not a natural way to ask this question. This reduces the number of useful invocation phrases.

For a better user experience, provide a large variety of sample utterances written in different forms:

  • Noun utterances ("de horoscoop voor…")
  • Verb utterances ("geef me de horoscoop voor…")
  • Question utterances ("wat is de horoscoop voor…")

Test how your utterances sound when combined with the invocation phrases shown in the table above. Write utterances that work with as many of the invocation phrases as possible.

All of the phrases described in this document are available for all skills. You do not need to enable the specific phrases. However, you do need to write sample utterances that flow naturally with these phrases.

For example, if all of your sample utterances are phrased as questions ("what is the horoscope for Taurus"), then phrases that work with noun or verb utterances won't flow naturally. Users are unlikely to say something like "tell Daily Horoscopes what is the horoscope for Taurus," as this is not a natural way to ask this question. This reduces the number of useful invocation phrases.

For a better user experience, provide a large variety of sample utterances written in different forms:

  • Noun utterances ("the horoscope for…")
  • Verb utterances ("give me the horoscope for…")
  • Question utterances ("what is the horoscope for…")

Test how your utterances sound when combined with the invocation phrases shown in the table above. Write utterances that work with as many of the invocation phrases as possible.

All of the phrases described in this document are available for all skills. You do not need to enable the specific phrases. However, you do need to write sample utterances that flow naturally with these phrases.

For example, if all of your sample utterances are phrased as questions ("quel est l'horoscope des gémeaux"), then phrases that work with noun or verb utterances won't flow naturally. Users are unlikely to say something like "ouvre signe astrologique quel est l'horoscope des gémeaux." as this is not a natural way to ask this question. This reduces the number of useful invocation phrases.

For a better user experience, provide a large variety of sample utterances written in different forms:

  • Noun utterances ("l'horoscope des…")
  • Verb utterances ("donne-moi l'horoscope des…")
  • Question utterances ("quel est l'horoscope des…")

Test how your utterances sound when combined with the invocation phrases shown in the table above. Write utterances that work with as many of the invocation phrases as possible.

All of the phrases described in this document are available for all skills. You do not need to enable the specific phrases. However, you do need to write sample utterances that flow naturally with these phrases.

For example, if all of your sample utterances are phrased as questions ("was ist das Horoskop für Fische"), then phrases that work with noun or verb utterances won't flow naturally. Users are unlikely to say something like "sage Tageshoroskop, was das Horoskop für heute ist," as this is not a natural way to ask this question. This reduces the number of useful invocation phrases.

For a better user experience, provide a large variety of sample utterances written in different forms:

  • Noun utterances ("das Horoskop für…")
  • Verb utterances ("gib mir das Horoskop für…")
  • Question utterances ("was ist das Horoskop für…")

Test how your utterances sound when combined with the invocation phrases shown in the table above. Write utterances that work with as many of the invocation phrases as possible.

All of the phrases described in this document are available for all skills. You do not need to enable the specific phrases. However, you do need to write sample utterances that flow naturally with these phrases.

For example, if all of your sample utterances are phrased as questions ("वृषभ राशि का राशिफल क्या है"), then phrases that work with noun or verb utterances won't flow naturally. Users are unlikely to say something like "दैनिक राशिफल चालू करो और वृषभ राशि का राशिफल क्या है" as this is not a natural way to ask this question. This reduces the number of useful invocation phrases.

For a better user experience, provide a large variety of sample utterances written in different forms:

  • Noun utterances ("…..का राशिफल")
  • Verb utterances ("मुझे …… का राशिफल दो")
  • Question utterances ("…..राशि का राशिफल क्या है")

Test how your utterances sound when combined with the invocation phrases shown in the table above. Write utterances that work with as many of the invocation phrases as possible.

All of the phrases described in this document are available for all skills. You do not need to enable the specific phrases. However, you do need to write sample utterances that flow naturally with these phrases.

For example, if all of your sample utterances are phrased as questions ("qual è l'oroscopo del toro"), then phrases that work with noun or verb utterances won't flow naturally. Users are unlikely to say something like "apri Oroscopo del Giorno e qual è l'oroscopo del toro," as this is not a natural way to ask this question. This reduces the number of useful invocation phrases.

For a better user experience, provide a large variety of sample utterances written in different forms:

  • Noun utterances ("l'oroscopo di…")
  • Verb utterances ("dammi l'oroscopo di…")
  • Question utterances ("qual è l'oroscopo di…")

Test how your utterances sound when combined with the invocation phrases shown in the table above. Write utterances that work with as many of the invocation phrases as possible.

All of the phrases described in this document are available for all skills. You do not need to enable the specific phrases. However, you do need to write sample utterances that flow naturally with these phrases.

For example, if all of your sample utterances are phrased as questions ("牡牛座の運勢は何"), then phrases that work with noun or verb utterances won't flow naturally. Users are unlikely to say something like "十二星座占いで牡牛座の運勢は何であるか教えて," as this is not a natural way to ask this question. This reduces the number of useful invocation phrases.

For a better user experience, provide a large variety of sample utterances written in different forms:

  • Noun utterances ("~のレシピ")
  • Verb utterances ("~のレシピを教えて")
  • Question utterances ("~のレシピは何がある")

Test how your utterances sound when combined with the invocation phrases shown in the table above. Write utterances that work with as many of the invocation phrases as possible.

All of the phrases described in this document are available for all skills. You do not need to enable the specific phrases. However, you do need to write sample utterances that flow naturally with these phrases.

For example, if all of your sample utterances are phrased as questions ("qual é o horóscopo de touro"), then phrases that work with noun or verb utterances won't flow naturally. Users are unlikely to say something like "fala com o Horóscopo Diário qual é o horóscopo de touro," as this is not a natural way to ask this question. This reduces the number of useful invocation phrases.

For a better user experience, provide a large variety of sample utterances written in different forms:

  • Noun utterances ("o horóscopo de…")
  • Verb utterances ("me dar o horóscopo de…")
  • Question utterances ("qual é o horóscopo de…")

Test how your utterances sound when combined with the invocation phrases shown in the table above. Write utterances that work with as many of the invocation phrases as possible.

All of the phrases described in this document are available for all skills. You do not need to enable the specific phrases. However, you do need to write sample utterances that flow naturally with these phrases.

For example, if all of your sample utterances are phrased as questions ("cuál es el horóscopo para géminis"), then phrases that work with noun or verb utterances won't flow naturally. Users are unlikely to say something like "dile a Horóscopo Diario cuál es el horóscopo de géminis," as this is not a natural way to ask this question. This reduces the number of useful invocation phrases.

For a better user experience, provide a large variety of sample utterances written in different forms:

  • Noun utterances ("el horóscopo para…")
  • Verb utterances ("dame el horóscopo para…")
  • Question utterances ("cuál es el horóscopo para…")

Test how your utterances sound when combined with the invocation phrases shown in the table above. Write utterances that work with as many of the invocation phrases as possible.

Other words and phrases users can include in their utterances

Users can include other words and phrases around their utterances:

  • Users can add the word "ال" before the invocation name: "اليكسا، افتحي التوقعات الابراج اليومية" (in this example, the invocation name is just "توقعات الابراج اليومية" and the user added in the word "ال").
  • Users can include some phrases before the entire invocation:

    • "تقدري…"
    • "خلينا…"
  • For example:

    • "اليكسا، من فضلك تقدرين تفتحين توقعات الابراج اليومية". "اليكسا، من فضلك خلينا نفتح توقعات الابراج اليومية"
  • Users can include "من فضلك" at the end of the utterance:

    • "افتحي توقعات الابراج اليومية من فضلك".

Users can include other words and phrases around their utterances:

  • Users can add the word "de" before the invocation name: "Alexa, Geef me de Weegschaal horoscoop van de Dagelijkse Horoscoop" (in this example, the invocation name is just "Dagelijkse Horoscoop" and the user added in the word "de").
  • Users can include some phrases before the entire invocation:
    • "Kun je…"
    • "Laten we…"
    • "Ik wil"

      For example: "Alexa, kun je Geef me de Weegschaal horoscoop van Dagelijkse Horoscoop". "Alexa, ik wil een auto boeken bij Uber."

  • Users can include "alsjeblieft / alstublieft" at the end of the utterance:
    • "Vraag Dagelijkse Horoscoop om me de weegschaal horoscoop te geven, alsjeblieft".

Users can include other words and phrases around their utterances:

  • Users can add the word "the" before the invocation name: "Alexa, give me my Taurus horoscope from the Daily Horoscopes" (in this example, the invocation name is just "Daily Horoscopes" and the user added in the word "the").
  • Users can include some phrases before the entire invocation:
    • "Can you…"
    • "Let's…"
    • "I want to…" / "I wanna…"

      For example: "Alexa, can you give me my Taurus horoscope from Daily Horoscopes". "Alexa, I want to order a car from Car Fu."

  • Users can include "please" at the end of the utterance:
    • "Ask Daily Horoscopes to give me the horoscope for Taurus, please".

Users can include other words and phrases around their utterances:

  • "le/la/l'/à" can be included before the invocation name: "Alexa, ouvre le signe astrologique pour les gémeaux" (in this example, the invocation name is just "signe astrologique" and the user added in the word "le").
  • Certain phrases can be included before the entire phrase:
    • "Je veux…" / "Je désire…" / "Je souhaite…" / "Je voudrais…"
    • "Peux-tu…" / "Est-ce que tu peux" / "Pourrais-tu…"

      For example: "Alexa, peux-tu ouvrir signe astrologique pour les gémeaux?". "Alexa, je voudrais demander à Signe Astrologique l'horoscope gémeaux"

  • Users can include "s'il te plaît" ou "s'il vous plaît" at the end of the utterance:
    • "Demande à signe astrologique l'horoscope gémeaux s'il te plaît".

Users can include other words and phrases around their utterances:

  • Articles "der", "die", "das" including declensions (e.g. “dem”, “den”, “von dem”) as well as the possessive “mein” including declensions (“meiner”, “meinen” and “meinem”) can be included before the invocation name:
    • "Alexa, gib mir mein Fischhoroskop vom Tageshoroskop" (in this example, the invocation name is just "Tageshoroskop" and the user added in the word "von dem / vom").
    • "Alexa, Fische von meinem Tageshoroskop" (in this example, the invocation name is just "Tageshoroskop" and the user added in the words "von meinem").
  • Users can include "bitte" at the beginning or end of the utterance:
    • „Alexa, bitte suche mein Horoskop im Tageshoroskop.“
    • „Alexa, suche mein Horoskop im Tageshoroskop bitte.“

Users can include other words and phrases around their utterances:

  • Certain phrases can be included before the entire phrase:
    • "क्या तुम…"

      For example: "Alexa, क्या तुम दैनिक राशिफल खोल सकते हो".

  • Users can include "कृपया" at the beginning of the utterance:
    • "कृपया दैनिक राशिफल खोलो."

Users can include other words and phrases around their utterances:

  • Users can include "per favore" at the beginning or end of the utterance:
    • "Domanda a Oroscopo del Giorno l'oroscopo del Toro, per favore".
    • "Per favore, domanda a Oroscopo del Giorno l'oroscopo del Toro".

Users can include other words and phrases around their utterances:

  • Certain phrases can be included before the entire phrase:
    • "…(して)くれる?"
    • "…(して)もらえる?"
    • "…よ"

      For example: "アレクサ、十二星座占いを使って牡牛座の運勢をチェックしてくれる?" "アレクサ、タクシー予約でタクシーを手配してもらえる?"

  • Users can include "ください" at the end of the utterance:
    • "アレクサ、十二星座占いで牡牛座の運勢をチェックしてください"

Users can include other words and phrases around their utterances:

  • "a, o, as, os" can be included before the invocation name: "Alexa, me dê o horóscopo de touro do Horóscopo Diário" (in this example, the invocation name is just "Horóscopo Diário" and the user added in the word "do").
  • Certain phrases can be included before the entire phrase:
    • "Você pode…"
    • "Vamos…"
    • "Eu quero…" / "Quero…"

      For example: "Alexa, você pode me dar o horóscopo de touro do Horóscopo Diário". "Alexa, eu quero pedir um táxi do Meu Táxi."

  • Users can include "please" at the end of the utterance:
    • "Peça ao Horóscopo Diário para me dar o horóscopo de touro, por favor".

Users can include other words and phrases around their utterances:

  • "el", "la", "los", "las" can be included before the invocation name: "Alexa, abre el Horóscopo Diario y dame mi horóscopo de Géminis" (in this example, the invocation name is just "Horóscopo Diario" and the user added in the word "el").
  • Certain phrases can be included before the entire phrase:
    • "Puedes…"
    • "Me gustaría…"
    • "Yo quiero…" / "Quiero…"

      For example: "Alexa, puedes abrir Horóscopo Diario y darme mi horóscopo de Géminis". "Alexa, quiero utilizar Coche Fu para pedir un coche".

  • Users can include "por favor" at the end of the utterance:
    • "Pídele a Horóscopo Diario que me dé el horóscopo de Géminis, por favor".

Indirectly invoke a skill with name-free interaction

This feature is currently supported for the en-US locale only.

When a user speaks to Alexa and does not indicate a skill, Alexa may select a skill that can fulfill the request. For more details, see Understand Name-free Interaction for Custom Skills.

Invoke skills through the Alexa app

Users can have Alexa launch apps on mobile devices, similar to how users can launch apps on a Fire TV or Fire tablet. For example, if a user says, "Alexa, open <app name>”, the relevant app launches on their mobile device. This feature only works when a user interfaces with Alexa through the Alexa app – it doesn't work on a standalone device, such as an Echo or Echo Show.

As a result, it's possible that when a user tries to invoke your skill by using the Alexa app, your skill doesn't launch. Instead, a native mobile app opens on their device – for example, an Android or iOS app. This might occur if your skill has a similar name to a pre-existing app that's already installed on their phone.

This problem might only occur when a user tries to invoke your skill by using the Alexa app. A user might be able to invoke your skill without problems on other Alexa-enabled devices, such as an Echo device.

Use the following instructions to determine if your skill has problems opening on the Alexa app.

To test if your skill has problems opening in the Alexa app

  • Open the Alexa app and try to invoke your skill with the following command "Alexa, open <invocation name>".
    • If your skill launches, you don't have a problem. Try invoking your skill a few times to make sure the results are consistent. It's also a good idea to test your utterance on different operating systems, as there may be different apps available across different operating systems.
    • If a different app launches other than your skill, than you might need to adjust your skill utterance. To do this, continue with the instructions in the next section.

To adjust your skill utterance

  1. Search the app store of the operating system you are having trouble with to determine if there is an app that shares a similar name to your skill. This helps you pinpoint the problem.
  2. Add the word "skill" to your utterance, directly after your skill invocation name. For example, "Alexa, open <skill invocation name> skill." This change allows Alexa to differentiate your skill from the app with a similar name.
  3. Test your new utterance through the Alexa app, and then verify that your skill launches instead of the native app.

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Last updated: Nov 28, 2023