Natural Language Understanding Annotation Set REST API Reference
Use the Natural Language Understanding Annotation (NLU) Annotation Set REST API to define annotation sets for your skill testing. An annotation set is a set of utterances mapped to expected intents and slots for your skill's interaction model. Each utterance with its expected intent and slots is called an annotation.
After you create an annotation set and add annotations, you can test the NLU accuracy of the interaction model. For more details, see NLU Evaluation REST API Reference.
If you want to create the annotation set in the Alexa developer console, see Batch Test Your NLU Model.
API endpoint
The endpoint of the Annotation Set API is
Each API request must have an authorization header whose value is the access token retrieved from Login with Amazon (LWA). For details, see Get an Access Token for SMAPI.
The Annotation Set API includes the following operations.
Operation | HTTP method and URI |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Create annotation set
Create a new annotation set. Add annotations to the set by calling Update annotations.
To create an annotation set, you make a POST
request to the nluAnnotationSets
Request path and header example
POST /v1/skills/{skillId}/nluAnnotationSets
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access token}
Request path and header parameters
Parameter | Located in | Description | Type | Required |
Path |
Identifies the skill. |
String |
Yes |
Header |
String |
Yes |
Request body example
"locale": "en-US",
"name": "QuickTrivia annotation set1"
Request body properties
Property | Description | Type | Required |
Locale of the interaction model to test. |
String |
Yes |
Name for the annotation set. |
String |
Yes |
A successful response returns HTTP 201 Created
, along with a Location
parameter in the response header. The response body contains the annotation set ID. Use the ID to reference and add sample utterances to the annotation set.
On error, the response returns the appropriate HTTP status code and includes a response body with an error code and human readable message.
Response body example
The following example shows a response.
"id": "annotation.set.1"
Response body properties
Property | Description | Type |
Identifies the new annotation set. |
String |
HTTP status codes
Status | Description |
Empty annotation set created successfully. The response header contains a
Indicates that one or more properties in the request body aren't valid.
Request didn't include the authorization token, or the included token expired or isn't valid. Or, you don't have access to the resource. |
Indicates that the authorization token is valid, but the requested operation isn't allowed. |
Requested resource not found. |
Permitted rate limit, specified as number of requests per unit of time, exceeded. Retry the request by using exponential back-off. |
Error occurred on the server. Retry the request by using exponential back-off. |
Server is down for maintenance, overloaded, or otherwise unavailable to handle the incoming request. |
Delete annotation set
Delete the specified NLU annotation set.
To delete an annotation set, you make a DELETE
request to the nluAnnotationSets
Request path and header example
DELETE /v1/skills/{skillId}/nluAnnotationSets/{annotationId}
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access token}
Accept: application/json
Request path and header parameters
Parameter | Located in | Description | Type | Required |
Path |
Identifies the skill. |
String |
Yes |
Path |
Identifies the NLU annotation set to delete. |
String |
Yes |
Header |
String |
Yes |
Request body example
The request has no body.
Request body properties
The request has no body.
A successful response returns HTTP 204 No Content
On error, the response returns the appropriate HTTP status code and includes a response body with an error code and human readable message.
Response body example
The response has no body.
Response body properties
The response has no body.
HTTP status codes
Status | Description |
Annotation set deleted successfully. |
Server can't process the request due to a client error. For example, the payload is malformed, the annotation set is malformed or empty.
Authorization token is invalid, expired, or doesn't have access to the resource. |
The requested operation isn't allowed. |
The requested resource isn't found. For example, the
Request to run an evaluation for a given skill conflicts with an evaluation request that's currently in progress. |
User has exceeded the permitted rate limit. |
Server has encountered an error. |
Server is down for maintenance, overloaded, or otherwise unavailable to handle the incoming request. |
Get annotation set contents
Download the contents of the specified NLU annotation set in comma-separated values (CSV) or JSON format.
To download the contents of the annotation set, you make a GET
request to the nluAnnotationSets
Request path and header example
GET /v1/skills/{skillId}/nluAnnotationSets/{annotationId}/annotations?maxResults={maxResults}&nextToken={nextToken}
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access token}
Accept: {accept-type}
Request path and header parameters
Parameter | Located in | Description | Type | Required |
Path |
Identifies the skill. |
String |
Yes |
Path |
Identifies the annotation set. |
String |
Yes |
Query |
Maximum number of results to return in the response. |
Number |
No |
Query |
Token from the previous response. |
String |
No |
Header |
String |
Yes | |
Header |
Specifies the requested format of the returned contents. |
String |
Yes |
Request body example
The request has no body.
Request body properties
The request has no body.
A successful response returns HTTP 200 OK
, along with the contents of the annotation set in the specified format.
On error, the response returns the appropriate HTTP status code and includes a response body with an error code and human readable message.
CSV response body example
When you specify CSV format, the response body includes the entire contents. The first row of the response body contains comma-delimited attribute names of the annotation properties. Subsequent rows define the annotations. The annotation properties in each row follow the strict ordering of the attribute property names defined in the first row.
The following example shows a response in CSV format.
utterance, referenceTimestamp, intent, slot[toCity], slot[fromCity], slot[travelDate]
plan a trip,,PlanMyTripIntent,,,
i want to go to chicago on monday,2019-08-29T00:00:00.000Z,PlanMyTripIntent,chicago,,2019-08-30
plan a trip from seattle to boston,,PlanMyTripIntent,boston,seattle,
plan a trip from chicago to denver on Monday,2019-08-29T00:00:00.000Z,PlanMyTripIntent,denver,chicago,2019-09-02
CSV response body properties
The order of the columns doesn't matter because the first line of the CSV payload specifies the column ordering.
Property | Description | Type |
Utterance to test.
String |
Date and time to use as the basis for relative date and time values. Include when the utterance tests. Use this when the utterance tests |
String |
Name of the expected intent for the utterance. |
String |
List of expected slots for the utterance. |
Array of objects |
Expected value for the slot. |
String |
Expected values for the slot. |
String |
JSON response body example
The following example shows a response in JSON format.
"data": [
"inputs": {
"utterance": "plan a trip"
"expected": [
"intent": {
"name": "PlanMyTripIntent"
"inputs": {
"utterance": "i want to go to chicago on monday",
"referenceTimestamp": "2020-12-11T12:00:00.000Z"
"expected": [
"intent": {
"name": "PlanMyTripIntent",
"slots": {
"toCity": {
"slotValue": {
"value": "Chicago",
"type": "Simple"
"travelDate": {
"slotValue": {
"value": "2020-12-14",
"type": "Simple"
"inputs": {
"utterance": "plan a trip from seattle to boston"
"expected": [
"intent": {
"name": "PlanMyTripIntent",
"slots": {
"toCity": {
"slotValue": {
"value": "Boston",
"type": "Simple"
"fromCity": {
"slotValue": {
"value": "Seattle",
"type": "Simple"
"inputs": {
"utterance": "plan a trip from chicago to denver on thursday",
"referenceTimestamp": "2020-12-11T12:00:00.000Z"
"expected": [
"intent": {
"name": "PlanMyTripIntent",
"slots": {
"toCity": {
"slotValue": {
"value": "Denver",
"type": "Simple"
"fromCity": {
"slotValue": {
"value": "Chicago",
"type": "Simple"
"travelDate": {
"slotValue": {
"value": "2020-12-17",
"type": "Simple"
"inputs": {
"utterance": "plan a trip to missoula to go camping, hiking, and fishing"
"expected": [
"intent": {
"name": "PlanMyTripIntent",
"slots": {
"toCity": {
"slotValue": {
"value": "Missoula",
"type": "Simple"
"activity": {
"slotValue": {
"type": "List",
"values": [
"value": "camping",
"type": "Simple"
"value": "hiking",
"type": "Simple"
"value": "fishing",
"type": "Simple"
"inputs": {
"utterance": "plan a trip to portland to go kayaking"
"expected": [
"intent": {
"name": "PlanMyTripIntent",
"slots": {
"toCity": {
"slotValue": {
"value": "Portland",
"type": "Simple"
"activity": {
"slotValue": {
"value": "kayaking",
"type": "Simple"
JSON response body properties
Property | Description | Type |
Input to the NLU evaluation. |
Object |
Utterance to test.
String |
Date and time to use as the basis for relative date and time values. Include when the utterance tests. Use this when the utterance tests |
String |
Expected results. |
Object |
Expected intent and slot values. |
Object |
Name of the expected intent for the utterance. |
String |
List of expected slots for the utterance. |
Array of objects |
Expected value for the slot. The |
Object |
Slot type. |
String |
Include for a single-value slot only. Contains the expected value of the slot. Omit for a multiple-value slot. |
String |
Include for a multiple-value slot only. Contains a list of expected values for the slot. Each object in the array has a value property for the string value and a type property. Specify the values in the same order as they're written in the utterance. Omit for a single-value slot. |
Array of objects |
Slot type. |
String |
Contains the expected value of the slot. |
String |
HTTP status codes
Status | Description |
Response body contains the contents of the NLU annotation set. |
Server can't process the request due to a client error. For example, the payload is malformed, the annotation set is malformed or empty.
Authorization token is invalid, expired, or doesn't have access to the resource. |
The requested operation isn't allowed. |
The requested resource isn't found. For example, the
Request to run an evaluation for a given skill conflicts with an evaluation request that's currently in progress. |
User has exceeded the permitted rate limit. |
Server has encountered an error. |
Server is down for maintenance, overloaded, or otherwise unavailable to handle the incoming request. |
Get annotation set metadata
Get the metadata for the specified annotation set.
To get the metadata for an annotation set, you make a GET
request to the nluAnnotationSets
Request path and header example
GET /v1/skills/{skillId}/nluAnnotationSets/{annotationId}
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access token}
Accept: application/json
Request path and header parameters
Parameter | Located in | Description | Type | Required |
Path |
Identifies the skill. |
String |
Yes |
Path |
Identifies the annotation set. |
String |
Yes |
Header |
String |
Yes |
Request body example
The request has no body.
Request body properties
The request has no body.
A successful response returns HTTP 200 OK
, along with the annotation set metadata.
On error, the response returns the appropriate HTTP status code and includes a response body with an error code and human readable message.
Response body example
"locale": "en-US",
"name": "QuickTrivia annotation set1",
"numberOfEntries": 12,
"updatedTimestamp": "2019-08-12T18:46:31.674Z"
Response body properties
Property | Description | Type |
Locale of the annotation set. |
String |
Name of the annotation set. |
String |
Number of annotations in the annotation set. |
Integer |
Timestamp of the last update to the annotation set. |
String |
HTTP status codes
Status | Description |
Response body contains the metadata for the NLU annotation set. |
Server can't process the request due to a client error. For example, the payload is malformed, the annotation set is malformed or empty.
Authorization token is invalid, expired, or doesn't have access to the resource. |
The requested operation isn't allowed. |
The requested resource isn't found. For example, the
Request to run an evaluation for a given skill conflicts with an evaluation request that's currently in progress. |
User has exceeded the permitted rate limit. |
Server has encountered an error. |
Server is down for maintenance, overloaded, or otherwise unavailable to handle the incoming request. |
List annotation sets
Get all NLU annotation sets for the specified skill.
To list all annotation sets for the specified skill, you make a GET
request to the nluAnnotationSets
Request path and header example
GET /v1/skills/{skillId}/nluAnnotationSets?nextToken={nextToken}&maxResults={maxResults}
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access token}
Accept: application/json
Request path and header parameters
Parameter | Located in | Description | Type | Required |
Path |
Identifies the skill. |
String |
Yes |
Query |
Maximum number of results to return in the response. |
Number |
No |
Query |
Token from the previous response. |
String |
No |
Header |
String |
Yes |
Request body example
The request has no body.
Request body properties
The request has no body.
A successful response returns HTTP 200 OK
, along with a list of annotation sets.
On error, the response returns the appropriate HTTP status code and includes a response body with an error code and human readable message.
Response body example
"annotationSets": [{
"locale": "en-US",
"name": "QuickTrivia annotation set1",
"numberOfEntries": 1,
"updatedTimestamp": "2019-08-12T18:46:31.674Z",
"annotationId": "annotation.set.1"
"paginationContext": {
"nextToken": "someToken.1"
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/v1/skills/amzn1.ask.skill.1/nluAnnotationSets"
"next": {
"href": "/v1/skills/amzn1.ask.skill.1/nluAnnotationSets?nextToken=someToken.1&maxResults=100"
Response body properties
Property | Description | Type |
List of annotation sets. |
Array of objects |
Locale of the annotation set. |
String |
Name of the annotation set. |
String |
Number of utterances in the annotation set. |
Integer |
Timestamp of the last update to the annotation set. |
String |
Identifies the NLU annotation set. |
String |
Indicates there are more matching results. If present, the response contains a subset of the results. When there are no more matching results, |
Object |
Identifies the next set of annotations to return. The token expires in 24 hours. |
String |
Links for result navigation. |
_links object |
HTTP status codes
Status | Description |
Response body contains a list of NLU annotation sets. |
Server can't process the request due to a client error. For example, the payload is malformed, the annotation set is malformed or empty.
Authorization token is invalid, expired, or doesn't have access to the resource. |
The requested operation isn't allowed. |
The requested resource isn't found. For example, the
Request to run an evaluation for a given skill conflicts with an evaluation request that's currently in progress. |
User has exceeded the permitted rate limit. |
Server has encountered an error. |
Server is down for maintenance, overloaded, or otherwise unavailable to handle the incoming request. |
Update annotations
Add or update annotations in an existing annotation set. Before you add or update annotations, make sure that you create an annotation set.
To update the annotation set, you make a POST
request to the nluAnnotationSets
Request path and header example
POST /v1/skills/{skillId}/nluAnnotationSets/{annotationId}/annotations
Content-Type: {content-type}
Authorization: Bearer {access token}
Accept: application/json
Request path and header parameters
Parameter | Located in | Description | Type | Required |
Path |
Identifies the skill. |
String |
Yes |
Path |
Identifies the annotation set. |
String |
Yes |
Header |
Specifies the format of the included updates. |
String |
Yes |
Header |
String |
Yes |
CSV request body example
When you specify CSV format, the request body includes the entire contents. The first row of the request body must contain comma-delimited attribute names of the annotation properties. Subsequent rows define the annotations. The annotation properties in each row must follow the strict ordering of the attribute property names defined in the first row. For multi-value slot names, duplicate the slot[SlotName] and add an index number in brackets. Include the slot[SlotName] at the end to use when the utterance includes a single value for the multi-value slot.
The following example shows a request in UTF8-encoded CSV format.
utterance, referenceTimestamp, intent, slot[toCity],slot[fromCity],slot[travelDate],slot[activity][0],slot[activity][1],slot[activity][2],slot[activity]
plan a trip,,PlanMyTripIntent,,,
i want to go to chicago on monday,2019-08-29T00:00:00.000Z,PlanMyTripIntent,chicago,,2019-08-30
plan a trip from seattle to boston,,PlanMyTripIntent,boston,seattle,
plan a trip from chicago to denver on Monday,2019-08-29T00:00:00.000Z,PlanMyTripIntent,denver,chicago,2019-09-02
plan a trip to missoula to go camping hiking and fishing,,PlanMyTripIntent,Missoula,,,camping,hiking,fishing
plan a trip to portland to go kayaking,,PlanMyTripIntent,Portland,,,,,,kayaking
CSV request body properties
The order of the columns doesn't matter because the first line of the CSV payload specifies the column ordering.
Property | Description | Type | Required |
Utterance to test.
String |
Yes |
Date and time to use as the basis for relative date and time values. Include when the utterance tests. Use this when the utterance tests |
String |
No |
Name of the expected intent for the utterance. |
String |
Yes |
List of expected slots for the utterance. |
Array of objects |
No |
Expected value for the slot. |
String |
No |
For a slot that accepts multiple values, add an index number in brackets. To account for a single value for this slot, add the slot without an index. |
String |
No |
JSON request body example
The following example shows a request in JSON format.
"data": [
"inputs": {
"utterance": "plan a trip"
"expected": [
"intent": {
"name": "PlanMyTripIntent"
"inputs": {
"utterance": "i want to go to chicago on monday",
"referenceTimestamp": "2020-12-11T12:00:00.000Z"
"expected": [
"intent": {
"name": "PlanMyTripIntent",
"slots": {
"toCity": {
"slotValue": {
"value": "Chicago",
"type": "Simple"
"travelDate": {
"slotValue": {
"value": "2020-12-14",
"type": "Simple"
"inputs": {
"utterance": "plan a trip from seattle to boston"
"expected": [
"intent": {
"name": "PlanMyTripIntent",
"slots": {
"toCity": {
"slotValue": {
"value": "Boston",
"type": "Simple"
"fromCity": {
"slotValue": {
"value": "Seattle",
"type": "Simple"
"inputs": {
"utterance": "plan a trip from chicago to denver on thursday",
"referenceTimestamp": "2020-12-11T12:00:00.000Z"
"expected": [
"intent": {
"name": "PlanMyTripIntent",
"slots": {
"toCity": {
"slotValue": {
"value": "Denver",
"type": "Simple"
"fromCity": {
"slotValue": {
"value": "Chicago",
"type": "Simple"
"travelDate": {
"slotValue": {
"value": "2020-12-17",
"type": "Simple"
"inputs": {
"utterance": "plan a trip to missoula to go camping, hiking, and fishing"
"expected": [
"intent": {
"name": "PlanMyTripIntent",
"slots": {
"toCity": {
"slotValue": {
"value": "Missoula",
"type": "Simple"
"activity": {
"slotValue": {
"type": "List",
"values": [
"value": "camping",
"type": "Simple"
"value": "hiking",
"type": "Simple"
"value": "fishing",
"type": "Simple"
"inputs": {
"utterance": "plan a trip to portland to go kayaking"
"expected": [
"intent": {
"name": "PlanMyTripIntent",
"slots": {
"toCity": {
"slotValue": {
"value": "Portland",
"type": "Simple"
"activity": {
"slotValue": {
"value": "kayaking",
"type": "Simple"
JSON request body properties
Property | Description | Type | Required |
Input to the NLU evaluation. |
Object |
Yes |
Utterance to test.
String |
Yes |
Date and time to use as the basis for relative date and time values. Include when the utterance tests. Use this when the utterance tests |
String |
No |
Expected results. |
Object |
Yes |
Expected intent and slot values. |
Object |
Yes |
Name of the expected intent for the utterance. |
String |
Yes |
List of expected slots for the utterance. |
Array of objects |
No |
Expected value for the slot. The |
Object |
No |
Slot type. |
String |
Yes |
Include for a single-value slot only. Contains the expected value of the slot. Omit for a multiple-value slot. |
String |
No |
Include for a multiple-value slot only. Contains a list of expected values for the slot. Each object in the array has a value property for the string value and a type property. Specify the values in the same order as they're written in the utterance. Omit for a single-value slot. |
Array of objects |
No |
Slot type. |
String |
Yes |
Contains the expected value of the slot. |
String |
Yes |
A successful response returns HTTP 204 No Content
On error, the response returns the appropriate HTTP status code and includes a response body with an error code and human readable message.
Response body example
The response has no body.
Response body properties
The response has no body.
HTTP status codes
Status | Description |
Annotation set updated successfully. |
Server can't process the request due to a client error. For example, the payload is malformed, the annotation set is malformed or empty.
Authorization token is invalid, expired, or doesn't have access to the resource. |
The requested operation isn't allowed. |
The requested resource isn't found. For example, the
Request to run an evaluation for a given skill conflicts with an evaluation request that's currently in progress. |
User has exceeded the permitted rate limit. |
Server has encountered an error. |
Server is down for maintenance, overloaded, or otherwise unavailable to handle the incoming request. |
Update metadata
Update the metadata for the specified annotation set.
To update the annotation set, you make a PUT
request to the nluAnnotationSets
Request path and header example
PUT /v1/skills/{skillId}/nluAnnotationSets/{annotationId}
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access token}
Accept: application/json
Request path and header parameters
Parameter | Located in | Description | Type | Required |
Path |
Identifies the skill. |
String |
Yes |
Path |
Identifies the NLU annotation set. |
String |
Yes |
Header |
String |
Yes |
Request body example
"name": "QuickTrivia annotation set10"
Request body properties
Property | Description | Type | Required |
Name for the NLU annotation set. |
String |
Yes |
A successful response returns HTTP 201 Created
On error, the response returns the appropriate HTTP status code and includes a response body with an error code and human readable message.
Response body example
The response has no body.
Response body properties
The response has no body.
HTTP status codes
Status | Description |
Annotation set properties updated successfully. |
Server can't process the request due to a client error. For example, the payload is malformed, the annotation set is malformed or empty.
Authorization token is invalid, expired, or doesn't have access to the resource. |
The requested operation isn't allowed. |
The requested resource isn't found. For example, the
Request to run an evaluation for a given skill conflicts with an evaluation request that's currently in progress. |
User has exceeded the permitted rate limit. |
Server has encountered an error. |
Server is down for maintenance, overloaded, or otherwise unavailable to handle the incoming request. |
Object definitions
The NLU Annotation Set API defines the following objects.
Locale values
The following table shows valid values for the locale
Locale code | Language |
Arabic (SA) |
German (DE) |
English (AU) |
English (CA) |
English (UK) |
English (IN) |
English (US) |
Spanish (ES) |
Spanish (MX) |
Spanish (US) |
French (CA) |
French (FR) |
Hindi (IN) |
Italian (IT) |
Japanese (JP) |
Dutch (NL) |
Portuguese (BR) |
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Last updated: Aug 01, 2024