Response Building

Response Builder

The SDK includes helper methods for constructing responses. A Response may contain multiple elements, and the helper methods aid in generating responses, reducing the need to initialize and set the elements of each response.

Available helper methods

  • withSpeech(String speechText)
  • withSimpleCard(String cardTitle, String cardText)
  • withStandardCard(String cardTitle, String cardText, Image image)
  • withReprompt(String text)
  • withShouldEndSession(Boolean shouldEndSession)
  • addHintDirective(String hintText)
  • addVideoAppLaunchDirective(String source, String title, String subTitle)
  • addTemplateDirective(Template template)
  • addAudioPlayerPlayDirective(PlayBehavior playBehavior, Long offsetInMilliseconds, String expectedPreviousToken, String token, String url)
  • addAudioPlayerStopDirective()
  • addAudioPlayerClearQueueDirective(ClearBehavior clearBehavior)
  • addDirective(Directive directive)
  • withCanFulfillIntent(CanFulfillIntent canFulfillIntent) (only available in the Alexa Skills Kit SDK for Java)

Once you add the desired response elements, you can generate a Response by calling the build() method.

Example usage of Response Builder

The following example shows how to construct a response using ResponseBuilder helper methods.

public Optional<Response> handle(HandlerInput input) {
    return input.getResponseBuilder()
            .withSimpleCard("title", "cardText")

Construct a Response with a Template

The SDK allows you to use templates to construct skill responses. A template is similar to a view in the model–view–controller (MVC) pattern, which is commonly used to build dynamic web pages. Using a template to construct a response provides the following benefits:

  • It can help you generate a Response by separating the presentation logic from the request handling logic.
  • It can help make it easier to generate a Response with a complex and nested structure, for example when using Alexa Presentation Language.
  • It can help to reduce duplicate code by reusing common templates across skills.

You can include multiple response components in a single template, for example outputSpeech, card, shouldEndSession, directives, and more. These components can contain static data and placeholders for dynamic data, and will be built into a full skill response.

To generate a Response using a template, you need to configure the Template Factory when building the skill.

Template Factory

The template factory interface processes a response template by injecting dynamic data to generate the skill response. It is the entry point that you should call when building a skill response inside of a RequestHandler. You can implement your own unique template factory, or leverage the BaseTemplateFactory provided in the SDK, which consists of a list of Template Loader and Template Renderer objects.

Template Loader

The template loader interface loads template content from data storage. The SDK provides the LocalTemplateFileLoader to load a template file from the local file system. You can implement your own loader to load a template from a different data storage location.

To use LocalTemplateFileLoader, you must provide the directory path and the file extension for the template files. If you host your skill on AWS Lambda, you must include the template files as resources in the skill project JAR, and you must configure the resource directory in your Maven POM.

Maven resource configuration


Template Enumerator

You can generate different responses for different locales. To use different template files for different locales, the SDK provides the TemplateEnumerator interface and a LocaleTemplateEnumerator implementation to enumerate possible template locations and names based on the locale property in the skill request. For example, en-US is the locale property for a template file located at template/en/US or named template_en_US.

As shown in the preceding screenshot, you can name the template file example_response, or put it in a locale-specific folder inside the base_response_template folder. The LocaleTemplateEnumerator first tries to find the most specific template file (for example, base_response_template/de/DE), then falls back to a less specific one (base_response_template/de), then finally a global one (base_response_template).

You can implement your own template enumerator to enumerate templates according to your preference.

Template Cache

To facilitate the template loading process, the SDK provides the TemplateCache interface, and provides a ConcurrentLRUTemplateCache to cache loaded templates for future use. The ConcurrentLRUTemplateCache supports concurrent caching, has a capacity of 5 MB, and a time-to-live (TTL) of 24 hours by default. You can modify these values according to your needs, or implement your own template cache.

Template Renderer

The template renderer interface renders a full template including dynamic data, and converts it into a skill Response. The SDK provides the FreeMarkerTemplateRenderer implementation to render a FreeMarker template. This allows you to leverage FreeMarker features including macro, import, and more. You can also implement your own template renderer to support other template engines.

To use the FreeMarkerTemplateRenderer, you must add a dependency on ask-sdk-freemarker in your Maven project:


Example Usage of Template Factory

The following example shows the basic setup of Template Factory. You provide just the root path of the templates and the SDK would generate a default implementation of Template Factory.

private static Skill getSkill() {

    // Build Skill
    return Skills.standard()
                    new LaunchRequestHandler(),
                    ... ...
                    new SessionEndedRequestHandler())

Alternatively, you can provide a custom implementation of Template Factory.

private static Skill getSkill() {

    // Configure LocalTemplateFileLoader
    TemplateLoader loader = LocalTemplateFileLoader.builder()

    // Configure FreeMarkerTemplateRenderer
    JacksonJsonUnmarshaller jacksonJsonUnmarshaller = JacksonJsonUnmarshaller
    TemplateRenderer renderer = FreeMarkerTemplateRenderer.builder()

    // Configure BaseTemplateFactory
    TemplateFactory templateFactory = BaseTemplateFactory.builder()

    // Build Skill
    return Skills.standard()
                    new LaunchRequestHandler(),
                    ... ...
                    new SessionEndedRequestHandler())

If you provide both the template's directory path and a custom Template Factory object, an exception is thrown.

private static Skill getSkill() {

    // Build loader and renderer and pass it to Template Factory.
    TemplateFactory templateFactory = BaseTemplateFactory.builder()

    // throws exception.
    return Skills.standard()
                    new LaunchRequestHandler(),
                    ... ...
                    new SessionEndedRequestHandler())

Generate a response using a template in the Request Handler

public Optional<Response> handle(HandlerInput input) {
    String speechText = "Hi, welcome to templating response.";

    // Provide dynamic data to template
    Map<String, Object> datamap = new HashMap<>();
    datamap.put("outputSpeechText", speechText);

    return input.generateTemplateResponse("base_response_template", datamap);

Using the preceding example code, the following example of a FreeMarker template should have a full resource path of /com/amazon/ask/example/base_response_template/en/US.ftl, with the directory path /com/amazon/ask/example/ and file extension ftl passed into the LocalTemplateFileLoader, and the locale property of en-US from the Request passed into the LocaleTemplateEnumerator.

Example FreeMarker template

The following example shows a FreeMarker template for the OutputSpeech component in a skill response.

  "outputSpeech": {
      "type": "PlainText",
      "text": "${outputSpeechText}"

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Last updated: Nov 28, 2023