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Use the Login with Amazon SDK for Android APIs (v2.0.2 and below)

Note that the instructions below apply only to older versions of the Login with Amazon SDK for Android (versions 2.0.2 and below).

Older SDKs are no longer available for download, but we have preserved the instructions here for the convenience of our developers who are still using them.

Installing the Android Developer Tools

The Login with Amazon SDK for Android will help you add Login with Amazon to your Android, Fire TV, and Fire tablet applications. We recommend you use the Login with Amazon SDK for Android with Android Studio, however, you can also use Eclipse with the ADT plugin. For steps on how to install Android Studio and on getting the Android SDK set up, see Get the Android SDK on developer.android.com

When the Android SDK is installed, find the SDK Manager application in your android installation. To develop for Login with Amazon, you must use the SDK Manager to install the SDK Platform for Android 2.2 or higher (API version 9). See Adding SDK Packages on developer.android.com for more information on using SDK Manager.

After installing the SDK, set up an Android Virtual Device (AVD) for running your apps. See Managing Virtual Devices on developer.android.com for instructions on setting up a virtual device.

Handle the Login Button and get Profile Data

This section explains how to call the authorize and getProfile APIs to login a user and retrieve their profile data. This includes creating an onClick listener for your Login with Amazon button in the onCreate method of your app.

Import the Login with Amazon API to your source file.

  1. Import the Login with Amazon API to your source file.

    To import the Login with Amazon API, add the following import statements to your source file:

    import com.amazon.identity.auth.device.AuthError;
    import com.amazon.identity.auth.device.authorization.api.AmazonAuthorizationManager;
    import com.amazon.identity.auth.device.authorization.api.AuthorizationListener;
    import com.amazon.identity.auth.device.authorization.api.AuthzConstants;
  2. Initialize the AmazonAuthorizationManager. You will need to declare a AmazonAuthorizationManager variable and create a new instance of the class. Creating a new instance only requires your current application context and an empty bundle. The best place to initialize the AmazonAuthorizationManager is in the onCreate method of your Activity. For example:

    private AmazonAuthorizationManager mAuthManager;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mAuthManager = new AmazonAuthorizationManager(this, Bundle.EMPTY);
  3. Create an AuthorizeListener.AuthorizeListener implements the AuthorizationListener interface, and will process the result of the authorize call. It contains three methods, onSuccess, onError, and onCancel. Each method receives either a Bundle or an AuthError object.

    private class AuthorizeListener implements AuthorizationListener{
        /* Authorization was completed successfully. */
        public void onSuccess(Bundle response) {
        /* There was an error during the attempt to authorize the application. */
        public void onError(AuthError ae) {
        /* Authorization was cancelled before it could be completed. */
        public void onCancel(Bundle cause) {
  4. Call AmazonAuthorizationManager.authorize.

    In the onClick handler for your Login with Amazon button, call authorize to prompt the user to login and authorize your application.

    This method is responsible for authorizing the customer in one of the following ways:

    1. Switches to the system browser and lets the customer sign in and consent to the requested information.

    2. Switches to web view in a secure context, to let the customer sign in and consent to the requested information.

    This secure context for #2 is currently made available as the Amazon Shopping app on Android devices. Amazon-created devices running Fire OS (for example Fire Tablets, and Fire TVs) always use this option even if there is no Amazon Shopping app on the device. Because of this, if the customer is already signed in to the Amazon Shopping app, this API will skip the sign-in page, leading to a Single Sign On experience for the customer.

    When your application is authorized, it is authorized for one or more data sets known as scopes. The first parameter is an array of scopes that encompass the user data that you are requesting from Login with Amazon. The first time a user logs in to your app, they will be presented with a list of the data you are requesting and asked for approval. Login with Amazon currently supports three scopes: profile, which contains the user's name, email address, and Amazon account id; profile:user_id, which contains only the Amazon account id; and postal_code, which contains the user's zip/postal code.

    The best way to call authorize is asynchronously, so you do not have to block the UI thread or create a worker thread of your own. To call authorize asynchronously, pass an object that supports the AuthorizationListener interface as the last parameter:

    private AmazonAuthorizationManager mAuthManager;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mAuthManager = new AmazonAuthorizationManager(this, Bundle.EMPTY);
        // Find the button with the login_with_amazon ID
        // and set up a click handler
        mLoginButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.login_with_amazon);
        mLoginButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                    new String []{"profile","postal_code"},
                    Bundle.EMPTY, new AuthorizeListener());
  5. Create a ProfileListener.ProfileListener is our name for a class that implements the APIListener interface, and will process the result of the getProfile call. APIListener contains two methods, onSuccess and onError (it does not support onCancel because there is no way to cancel a getProfile call). onSuccess receives a Bundle object with profile data, while onError receives an AuthError object with information on the error.

    private class ProfileListener implements APIListener{
        /* getProfile completed successfully. */
        public void onSuccess(Bundle response) {
        /* There was an error during the attempt to get the profile. */
        public void onError(AuthError ae) {
  6. Implement onSuccess for your AuthorizeListener. In onSuccess, call AmazonAuthorizationManager.getProfile to retrieve the customer profile . getProfile, like authorize, uses an asynchronous listener interface. For getProfile, that interface is APIListener, not AuthorizationListener.

    /* Authorization was completed successfully. */
    public void onSuccess(Bundle response) {
        mAuthManager.getProfile(new ProfileListener());
  7. Implement onSuccess for your ProfileListener.onSuccess has two main tasks; retrieve the profile data from the response Bundle, and pass the data to the UI. updateProfileData is a hypothetical function your app could implement to display profile details. setLoggedInState, another hypothetical function, would indicate that a user is logged in and give them a means of logging out. To retrieve the profile data from the Bundle, we use names stored by the AuthzConstants class. The onSuccess bundle contains the profile data in a BUNDLE_KEY.PROFILE bundle. Within the profile bundle, the scope data is indexed under PROFILE_KEY.NAME, PROFILE_KEY.EMAIL, PROFILE_KEY.USER_ID, and PROFILE_KEY.POSTAL_CODE. PROFILE_KEY.POSTAL_CODE is only included if you request the postal_code scope.

    public void onSuccess(Bundle response) {
        // Retrieve the data we need from the Bundle
        Bundle profileBundle = response.getBundle(
        String name = profileBundle.getString(
        String email = profileBundle.getString(
        String account = profileBundle.getString(
        String zipcode = profileBundle.getString(
        runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                updateProfileData(name, email, account, zipcode);
  8. Implement onError for your ProfileListener.onError includes an AuthError object containing details about the error.

    /* There was an error during the attempt to get the profile. */
    public void onError(AuthError ae) {
        /* Retry or inform the user of the error */
  9. Implement onError for your AuthorizeListener.

    /* There was an error during the attempt to authorize the application. */
    public void onError(AuthError ae) {
       /* Inform the user of the error */
  10. Implement onCancel for your AuthorizeListener. Because the authorization process presents a login screen (and possibly a consent screen ) to the user in a web browser (or a webview), the user will have an opportunity to cancel the login or navigate away from the web page. If they explicitly cancel the login process, onCancel is called. If onCancel is called, you will want to reset your UI.

    /* Authorization was cancelled before it could be completed. */
    public void onCancel(Bundle cause) {
       /* reset the UI to a ready-to-login state */

Check for User Login at Startup

If a user logs into your app, closes the app, and restarts the app later, the app is still authorized to retrieve data. The user is not logged out automatically. At startup, you can show the user as logged in if your app is still authorized. This section explains how to use getToken to see if the app is still authorized.

  1. Create a TokenListener.TokenListener implements the APIListener interface, and will process the result of the getToken call. APIListener contains two methods, onSuccess and onError (it does not support onCancel because there is no way to cancel a getToken call). onSuccess receives a Bundle object with token data, while onError receives an AuthError object with information on the error.

    private class TokenListener implements APIListener{
        /* getToken completed successfully. */
        public void onSuccess(Bundle response) {
        /* There was an error during the attempt to get the token. */
        public void onError(AuthError ae) {
  2. In the onStart method of your Activity, call getToken to see if the application is still authorized.

    getToken retrieves the raw access token that the AmazonAuthorizationManager uses to access a customer profile. If the token value is not null, then the app is still authorized and a call to getProfile should succeed.

    getToken requires the same scopes you requested in your call to authorize.

    getToken supports asychronous calls in the same manner as getProfile, so you do not have to block the UI thread or create a worker thread of your own. To call getToken asynchronously, pass an object that supports the APIListener interface as the final parameter.

    protected void onStart(){
        mAuthManager.getToken(new String []{"profile","postal_code"}, new TokenListener());
  3. Implement onSuccess for your TokenListener.onSuccess has two tasks: to retrieve the token from the Bundle, and if the token is valid, to call getProfile. To retrieve the token data from the Bundle, we use names stored by the AuthzConstants class. The onSuccess bundle contains the token data in a BUNDLE_KEY.TOKEN value. If that value is not null, this example calls getProfile using the same listener you declared in the previous section (see steps 7 and 8).

    /* getToken completed successfully. */
    public void onSuccess(Bundle response) {
        final String authzToken =
        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(authzToken))
            // Retrieve the profile data
            mAuthManager.getProfile(new ProfileListener());

Clear Authorization State and Log Out a User

The clearAuthorizationState method will clear the user's authorization data from the AmazonAuthorizationManager local data store. A user will have to log in again in order for the app to retrieve profile data. Use this method to log out a user, or to troubleshoot login problems in the app.

  1. Implement a logout mechanism. After a user has successfully logged in, you should provide a logout mechanism so they can clear their profile data and previously authorized scopes. Your mechanism might be a hyperlink, or a menu item. For this example we will create an onClick method for a button.
  2. In your logout handler, call clearAuthorizationState.clearAuthorizationState will remove a user's authorization data (access tokens, profile) from the local store. clearAuthorizationState takes no parameters except for an APIListener to return success or failure.
  3. Declare an anonymous APIListener. Anonymous classes are a useful alternative to declaring a new class to implement APIListener
  4. Implement onSuccess inside the APIListener. When clearAuthorizationState succeeds you should update your UI to remove references to the user, and provide a login mechanism users can use to log in again.
  5. Implement onError inside the APIListener. If clearAuthorizationState returns an error, you can let the user try to logout again.
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    /* Previous onCreate declarations omitted */

    // Find the button with the logout ID and set up a click handler
    mLogoutButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.logout);
    mLogoutButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            mAuthManager.clearAuthorizationState(new APIListener() {
                public void onSuccess(Bundle results) {
                    // Set logged out state in UI
                public void onError(AuthError authError) {
                    // Log the error

Call AmazonAuthorizationManager Methods Synchronously

Some AmazonAuthorizationManager methods return a Future object. This allows you to call the method synchronously instead of passing a listener as a parameter. If you do use a Future, you should not use it on a UI thread. If you block a UI thread for more than five seconds you will get an ANR (Application Not Responding) prompt. In the Handling the Login Button and Getting Profile Data example above, the onSuccess method for AuthorizeListener is called with a worker thread created by AmazonAuthorizationManager. This means it is safe to use that thread to call getProfile synchronously. To make a synchronous call, assign the return value from getProfile to a Future object, and call the get method on that object to wait until the method completes.

Future.get returns a Bundle object that contains a FUTURE_TYPE value of SUCCESS, ERROR, or CANCEL. If the method was a success, the same bundle will contain PROFILE_KEY values for the profile data. For example:

/* Authorization was completed successfully. */
public void onSuccess(Bundle response) {
    Future<Bundle> future = mAuthManager.getProfile(null);
    Bundle result = future.get();
    // Find out if the call succeeded, and retrieve the profile
    Object future_type = result.get(AuthzConstants.BUNDLE_KEY.FUTURE.val);
    if (future_type == AuthzConstants.FUTURE_TYPE.SUCCESS)
        String name = result.getString(
        String email = result.getString(
        String account = result.getString(
        String zipcode = result.getString(

        runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                updateProfileData(name, email, account, zipcode);
    else if (future_type == AuthzConstants.FUTURE_TYPE.ERROR)
        // Get error object
        AuthError authError = AuthError.extractError(result);

        /* Use authError to diagnose error */
    else if (future_type == AuthzConstants.FUTURE_TYPE.CANCEL)
        /* User cancelled during authorization */

Last updated: Dec 01, 2022