Refresh Tokens
Note: This documentation is for developers integrating Login with Amazon features into their apps. This isn't a customer support page. If you're a Fire TV or Fire tablet customer and you're having trouble entering your Fire TV authentication code, add a post in the Amazon Digital and Device Forum to request help. Alternatively, contact Amazon Customer Service.
A refresh token allows a website to request a new access token, even if the access token has expired. Refresh tokens follow the same format as access tokens, except they begin with the string Atzr|
. Refresh tokens are valid indefinitely, unless the user has removed the website or mobile app from the list of allowed apps for their account. Refresh tokens have a maximum size of 2048 bytes. A refresh token is specifically assigned to one client and cannot be used by another client.
Refresh tokens are returned only in the Authorization Code Grant.
Last updated: Nov 25, 2020