Step 2: Physically Connect the Boards
Use this section to learn how to physically connect your Alexa Connect Kit (ACK) development kit.
Connect the boards
Physically connect the ACK Development Board to the Arduino Zero by using the following steps:
To physically connect the boards
Carefully insert the development board pins on the underside of the board into the Arduino Zero headers. Make sure that the pins align with the headers, and that the pins aren't bent. The following image shows the side profile of an Arduino Zero plugged into the ACK development board.
- Locate the Arduino Zero Programming Port. For details, see Arduino Zero board components.
Insert a Micro-USB cable into the Arduino Zero Programming Port, and connect it to your computer. The status and power LEDs on the ACK development board light up.
Important: Make sure you plug the USB cable into the Arduino Zero Programming port. Do not plug the cable into the native USB port of the Arduino zero or the ACK Development Board USB port.
Last updated: Nov 27, 2023