Get the ACK Module Development Kit

Use an Alexa Connect Kit (ACK) development kit to build a device prototype and test your product.

What's the ACK development kit?

The ACK development kit provides a starting point for you to build an ACK-based device prototype quickly. A development kit typically contains the following items:

  • An ACK development shield board with an integrated ACK module.
  • A barcode that you use to register your device with Alexa.
  • All the necessary cords and adapters to power the device.
  • Might contain a HMCU development kit.

For more details about the components that power ACK-based devices, see ACK Component Descriptions.

Examples of USI and Espressif ACK development kits
Examples of the USI and Espressif ACK development kits

Purchase the ACK development kit

There are two ACK development kits available for purchase, the Espressif development kit and the USI development kit. These kits are generally available worldwide. However stock might vary by region.

Espressif development kit

The full name of the Espressif development kit is the ESP32-PICO-V3-ZERO-DevKit. To find a kit in your region, use the following links.

Locale Product links*

United States












Rest of world

* When navigating to the Espressif development Kit page on the Digi-Key website, you might receive a 404 error or get redirected to the home page. To resolve this issue and find the correct page, search for ESP32-PICO-V3-ZERO-DevKit using their on-page search box.

USI development kit

The full name of the USI development kit is the USI MT7697H Development Kit. To find a kit in your region, use the following links.

Locale Product links

United States

USI MT7697H Development Kit for Alexa Connect Kit from Amazon


USI MT7697H Development Kit for Alexa Connect Kit from Amazon


USI MT7697H Development Kit for Alexa Connect Kit from Amazon


USI MT7697H Development Kit for Alexa Connect Kit from Amazon

Rest of World

USI MT7697H Development Kit for Alexa Connect Kit from Amazon

Purchase other HMCUs that work with ACK

If you purchase an Espressif development kit, you must also purchase an HMCU separately, such as an Arduino Zero or another supported development board. If you use the USI development kit, you don't need to purchase a separate HMCU.

Arduino Zero development board

Use the following links to purchase the Arduino Zero development board.

Website Product Links

Arduino Zero

Other HMCU development boards

You can also prototype and build ACK-based devices on other commercially available HMCUs instead of the Arduino Zero. For an updated list of additional HMCUs that you can use, see ACK HMCU Development Kits.

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Last updated: Nov 27, 2023