Alexa Champions

Recognizing Top Alexa Developers in the Community

Steve Tingiris


An active member of the Alexa developer community since 2015, Steve Tingiris is founder and managing director of Dabble Lab, a technology education and services company that helps businesses accelerate learning and adoption of natural language processing, conversational AI, and other emerging technologies.

Steve began publishing Alexa development courses and tutorial videos in 2017 on the Dabble Lab YouTube channel. Since then, Steve has published more that 200 tutorials and over 50 open-source Alexa skill templates. As of mid-2021, Alexa developers have created more than 10,000 skills using Steve’s skill templates, some of which are now available directly from the Amazon Alexa developer console.

Alexa Skills Published

  • Hurricane Tracker: This skill lets you get the location and details of active hurricanes.
  • Appointment Scheduler: This skill was built as template for the Alexa developer console and lets users schedule an appointment with the skill owner. It lets users request an appointment date and time with a support person at Dabble Lab.
  • Daily Stand Up: This skill was built as a template for the Alexa developer console and provides a way for development teams to submit daily stand-up reports.

Alexa Contributions

  • Dabble Lab YouTube Channel- Contains over 200 tutorial videos and courses on Alexa development and related topics.
  • Skill Templates- Over fifty Alexa skill code templates that can be used to create custom Alexa skills.

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